Veronica Charlotte? did Valerie- did she name her daughter after her? Oh my- scrap that thought, no way. Valerie hated her. She was only pretending, why would she do that? What kind of sick game?”is that- my niece?” she whispered as watching the little boy run off to find his sister
“Veronica? You know it’s funny because I’m pretty fcking sure you’re supposed to be dead. So tell me, what the actual fck are you doing here… and alive?”
So where was Veronica this whole time? Presumed dead for the past… what, 30 years? Or… was she really?
Veronica remembered the day her life changed like it was yesterday. For thirty years she tried to get that day out of her mind and she just couldn’t. She remembered it, clear as day like a scar on her heart that would never heal.
July 23, 2007 • London
It was just a regular day, their parents were busy as always, but Veronica and Valerie didn’t need their parents, as they had each other. There was no greater bond than the wholesome friendship between the two sisters, they did everything together, stuck together since the day they were born. Or at least, that’s what she thought it was…”You’ll never catch me Police I’m the flash voom voom” Young Valerie called as running around the house, her twin sister Veronica chasing her around as the two laughed.
”Got you!” Veronica cheered as she caught up to her sister and won the game, at least for now. ”Now it’s my turn” The girl added with a smile before turning to run away. Valerie ran after her as little kids tend to do, it was fun, they were energetic, and frankly it’s not like they had something better to do innit? Anyway, the girls ran around, and as running and playing police through their dad’s office, which he wasn’t in at that moment, Veronica tripped to the floor, and next thing she knew, saw her sister standing up to her with a gun, which didn’t mean much to the girl, after all, that’s what police do, it’s in the movies. ”You won’t run away now crinimal” Little Valerie smirked as confidently calling grammatical errors at her sister, a gun in her hand. But….
Valerie POV
Valerie fell back as the loud sound of a gunshot filled the room, the gun that was in her hand fell to the floor as the girl got up while rubbing her ears ”my ears hurt-” the girl muttered while looking up. But-
It wasn’t real was it? They were just playing. So… why- why was Veronica bleeding? Valerie stood in front of her sister and her eyes were filled with horror ”DADDY!!” Valerie cried to her father as her eyes filled with tears seeing her own sister hurt like this. But as the gunshot was so loud and sudden, it didn’t take long until their mother ran into the room, her eyes wide open in terror at the sight in front of her. Pushing the girl away as if she was nothing, Angelina bent down next to her other daughter ”Veronica- Veronica baby do you hear me?” the woman asked the girl who was not really responsive to any words called at her, eyes wide open in fear, small but sharp breaths as the little girl closed her eyes ”Vera wake up” Valerie cried as watching her sister from the side, tears filling her eyes as her world just felt like it was falling apart…
And a while later, after math tries and fights in the hospital… well… let’s just say the news that came back to the anxious family weren’t so good. Screw good, they were the worst news they could possibly ask for. Dear little Veronica, only six years old, was… well, no longer with us. Her person, her other half, Valerie’s very own sister was gone, forever, taking a piece of her heart down with her.
Veronica POV
So where did it go wrong you ask me? How is she here? How the fcuk is she alive? Let’s just say her family wasn’t as unfortunate as they claimed to be. As the story of the poor little girl who accidentally got killed by her very own sister… well… turns out it was all a cover up. A tragedy to hide a darker secret, just… if only you thought about telling that to the girl who beat herself up for years thinking she killed her own sister, but no.
Turns out, that day when Veronica Wood disappeared from the face of the earth, she never died, she was actually taken away… kidnapped, in other words. And the thing is… well, you can’t find someone gone if you never really look for them. Ignoring their existence and claiming they’re dead raises a lot less suspicions. Not like Daniel parker who looked for his sister for years not knowing if she was dead or alive, the story of Valerie is different, because all along, she thought her sister died because of her and will never be seen again.
Guess life is surprising sometimes isn’t it? How a person’s life can change so damn much in just a single day. How an innocent person’s childhood, no, fcuk childhood, a person’s whole life could be ruined by the doings of the people around them. She may be alive, but no matter how much she wants it , she’ll never be the same girl she was before. A part of her will always be broken. From child, to a ghost of a prisoner, until eventually, alive again.
But what is life after being locked up like a prisoner for most of your childhood? How does one come back from that? Clearly not with the help of their mother, considering she knew about this all along and never did a thing to help her own child. So in our case, we find out our father is a totally different guy than the man who raised her, and is actually some guy called Fred. So let’s skip bureaucracies of how she did it and how she got there, that’s not really interesting isn’t it? Anyway, after escaping the only place she knew for years and years, Veronica turned to the man who we call Fred, asking him for help. She couldn’t go back to her family, clearly they never loved her, for crying out loud her own sister shot her dead, is that not enough evidence to prove a damn point? So going to them like hey guess what? I’m alive wasn’t really top option for her, on the contrary, she didn’t even want them to know she was alive, not now and not ever.
So Fred was the only option as for now, and as the girl went to the man who turned out to be her real father, he helped her and didn’t tell a soul, just like that. Her life may have not been ideal, but eventually she found a way to make them sufferable.
So how did she find herself in a wedding full of the who’s and what’s of society? Well, let’s just say Valerie wasn’t the only one who drew men to her, they do be twins after all. Veronica was there with her mans, and the only thing she looked forward to is enjoying a wedding of two people she never met, but turns out life had different plans for her, since Valerie was there too. And after years of avoidance, the two were finally in the same place.
”Well… that’s long story.” she told him, lightly crossing her arms as looking around anxiously ”I don’t think I owe you an explanation though, I don’t even know you.” she said, regaining the confidence in her words ”i suppose you can run off to tell Valerie, I’m sure she’ll be very disappointed” she told him, shooing him away. This whole situation wasn’t exactly ideal for her to say the least, and for years and years she was told that her family didn’t want her or love her, that Valerie didn’t want her or love her, and that’s why she was able to end up where she was. And eventually, she believed it. After all, thirty two years of not seeing her sister and for what? Valerie has a bloody hacker genius husband, if she wanted to find her… she would have. It wasn’t that hard.
@benitz786 Daniel
@unsungcheerio Fred mentioned hey yes