Blue Royalty | Sign Ups & Discussion

Blue Royalty
a roleplay by @eclipseis

Welcome to Blue Royalty, the game that tests your limits and loyalties. The prize? The most distinguished and established title someone could earn, a place on The Blue Bloods. But, this is a game, and your place on there is anything but permanent. The everlasting race to get to the top will break your relationships and shape you as a person forever - are you in?

Senior year. The year to study, take exams and fight for a place on the Blue Bloods. The top tier. The inner circle. The upper crust. Admired by some, envied by all. The Blue Bloods are 5 superior socialites who have earned a fragile yet powerful place on the list. But, you have to earn and remain your place on the peak of the social ladder.

Blue Royalty centres around the senior class of Cerulean High, fighting, backstabbing, competing against each other for a place on the infamous list - The Blue Bloods. The five students, who have proved themselves to be worthy enough through tasks set by the gamemaster, will score a place on the list. But, you have to be willing to do anything to get to the top. From plagiarising essays to kissing best friend’s boyfriends, those who end the senior year on the list become Blue Royalty forever. In the small, but prestigious and wealthy, town of Beryl Heights, the infamous game has been going on for decades, and the names of the Blue Royalties are never forgotten, as they have lived highly successful lives with special privileges above the rest.


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I will be sending a test tonight or tommorow morning!


I’ll make sure to get it finished by tonight, it can be from an old post right?



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I had already submitted mine :wink:

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AH thank you guys for showing interest!

Yeah, of course! (:

I have already got yours :wink:


I already submitted mine on the last forums ^^


I submitted mine!


Hey! I already submitted my writing test - when will we know if we were accepted ?

Watch everyone else have already been accepted and I’m out here with the rejection :joy:


When we close the writing test in 2-3 days, @sunflower.flow and I are going to go through them and chose which ones are accepted, so everyone will find out at the same time via PM (:


Alrighty then

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Already submitted mine~ :herb:


I just submitted mine

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Yes I will submit a writing test. I submitted the first one I found on short notice as I don’t have time to type you out something new

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I think I accidentally sent my writing test twice…

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Hello Hello! Slightly interested, but I’m still considering it due to schedule with life in general. Just wanted you to know I love this concept and I’ll be “stalking” the thread nevertheless haha. :slight_smile:


I submitted my test. I hope it’s okay I used posts from my most recent roleplay. So it’s not overly exagerated with trying and more real on how I’ve posted before

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Ahh hey @benitz786 would love if you joined, but I can appreciate if you have a busy schedule haha

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I have submitted a test :hibiscus: :white_heart: