Blue Royalty Website

One For The Books — 12/14/39
written by @benitz786

Welcome to Prom, Ladies, and Gentlemen…. Oh… maybe we here at Blue Royalty should fix our language because clearly, no one here can be considered a proper “lady” or “gentlemen”, can they? Certainly not Annie Williams – isn’t that right Quinn? We once said that we admire those who share the values of the 1% of the 1% - in other words, have style, elegance, and the ability to gracefully handle your secrets being revealed to your peers – whether they’re playing our game or not. Currently, I can tell you Quinn and Annie don’t meet the mark, though we do appreciate you trying to do our job, Quinn. We, however, can simply do it better. Though Fin seems to be trying as well - and in case any of you missed that fight, from what we understand, Mason and Dean Klein have been sneaking around? Seems like Fin’s about to get a new stepdaddy.

So, what about the rest of you? Can you meet our standards? Why don’t we give it a little try – after all, where’s the fun of Prom without revealing all your dirty laundry? And Annie… trust us, you think Quinn did a good job tearing you down? You’ll love what we have to say about you… but you’ll have to wait - unlike in Quinn’s speech, you’re not the center of our reveal today.

If we’re talking about people who don’t meet our standards, pill-popping Kaya McAllister certainly meets the mark. After all… weren’t you the one who stayed in a psychiatric hospital for practically a month only to come out with a lovely addiction to drugs? Following in your daddy’s footsteps? Certainly not meeting our standards, sweetie – though your mother and father never did either. Let us guess… you wanted to join your mother in whatever hell hole she ended up in? Another individual who has yet to be up to par with what we expect is Hyun-Ae. After all… a double identity? Hannah Montana was canceled 4 decades ago, so lying about your identity with a little wig doesn’t do sh!t darling. Embrace fame… or even the hate with your cute little KPOP group. Either way, you two, Do better.

On the topic of doing better, the lovely Daiane and Veronica aren’t far behind… after all would you call someone who made sure their father was illegally on a clinical trial as classy ? We certainly wouldn’t… especially since two people died in the process. Dai, forgetting about Embry for a moment, tell us – how was it killing your dad and Veronica, how was it murdering your grandfather? It’s funny how Embry’s trying so hard to win you back but maybe, she’s the one who should be running – wouldn’t you say?

On the other hand, Eddie doesn’t seem to be running away. After all, we were shocked to realize that innocent old Eduard Flynn has one sex tape, how would you all feel if we told you he actually has two – another one with his current date: Florence Carter. It truly makes us wonder, Eddie, how many times do you record yourself doing the deed? Is it a fetish? We don’t fetish shame here, but we will say, that’s an interesting one. So, what’s our general consensus – which sex tape was better, Eddie? Paige or Florence? Maybe we should just reveal both and let your peers decide once and for all. And yes, Eddie, we do now have copies of both. Don’t you love what your peers are willing to do for 15 minutes of fame?

Fame really makes people do… crazy things. Though, Elijah’s father knows how to use those connections for his benefit. After all, having a corrupt charity only to line your own pockets seems to fit the bill, huh? Though money apparently isn’t everything, Elijah can tell you that after he had to settle for Sammy and is too scared to tell her he’s very unattracted to her. Hey Elijah… crazy thought… maybe just go ahead and pay Sammy for all the emotional damage you… and we just created… after all, your dad has more than enough funds for it… though, technically, your dad did steal that money from all your peers’ parents so maybe deal with that first?

On the notion of emotional damage, Ari has quite a bit but how can anyone blame her…. correction, clearly Quinn has many things to blame her for… but back to the point, how can anyone blame her when Hera was cheating on Ari the entire time they were together? Talk about emotional trauma… though, Quinn, we’re sure you are more than happy to learn that Ari got some due justice?

Though, in retrospect, We here at Blue Royalty adore emotional trauma. After all, what’s better than finding out that sweet little Enrique Montoya was adopted? Well, maybe the fact that none of the Montoya triplets are actually… triplets? Oh Diego… you don’t know? My team did a little DNA test and it seems that you’re not a Montoya either. On the bright side, Raph, how does it feel to be the only boy in the actual Montoya family now?

Oh you think we’re done? Not even close. Prom is such a big day for so many of you - especially with the soon departure of so many to college. Some… who deserve to be there and others who… well, don’t. After all, Phoebe would know about that since her sister was the one to take her college admission test. It’s funny that Phoebe currently has a full ride and Amie… well doesn’t have anything. Maybe reconsider your priorities, Amie, and worry about yourself. We know that we do.

Oh and Annie, we’re sure we have you on the edge of your seat to find out what we know about you… well… we guess you’ll just have to wait a little bit longer. Maybe go hang out with your boyfriend, Enrique Montoya to relax until the reveal at the after-party… though can anyone really trust him after he fcked your dead best friend and broke her heart? Maybe that’s a question for him, huh Quinn? Though, Quinn did retaliate by fcking the Montoya’s 15-year-old sister. After all, “Montoyas”… where do you think Blue Royalty got copies of little Isabella’s nudes? You can thank your old best friend, Ricky.

That being said, currently, not many of you meet our standards. Many of you even have the ill-conceived idea that you’re above the rules of this game which is disappointing seeing as many of those individuals are legacies and your parents and grandparents would have never disappointed us the way you have. Here’s the harsh truth, you’re all still a part of it and will be until this lovely year ends… and trust us… we have far more planned to reveal today.

Until next time.

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Kim Hyun-Ae Well…this is happening. Yes, I’m part of a girl group known as Dreamcatcher. I just wanted to be a normal student for once, so I kept it hidden. I hope you can understand.
Paige Pierce Literally no one cares
Laurel Parker You wanted to be a normal student? Then you should’ve gone to a different f^^king school.

Fin Klein Not proud of your choice of women but gooo little Eddie
Paige Pierce Can’t hate from outside of the club when you can’t even get in

Mason Mitchell Fck off. Not that anyone deserves or needs any fcking explanation, but there is no story here. I have a girlfriend, I’m happy, it was taken out of context.
Paige Pierce Oh just shut the fck up for once

Ari Lee boohoo H*ra cheated who cares? It wasn’t any of your business and my ‘due justice’ isn’t any of your business either. Are really in the era where people don’t understand the concept of ‘minding business’ and what does Quinn have to do with me and baldy’s life?

Adonis it’s looking bad for the Montaya family . Elijah is a jerk, wow who would have thought
Elijah Shutup Fabio

Eryx.Astor You guys need to learn to mind your business. I’m not a fan or a ‘casual enjoyer’ of any of the people here, but this is weird and irritating. Whoever writes this blog post is quite the loser.

Elijah :fu:t2:

Kaya McAllister-Drake So fcking what

Raphael Montoya Bullsht

Amelia Grace Maybe fact check your posts before spreading lies? I never took Phoebe’s exams, and I don’t believe half the other stuff you’ve written on here.

@ NewBlood