Book Recommendation: Anne Frank

Heyy, so around 2 years ago, at school they taught us about Anne Frank.

Short Bio of Anne Frank
Anne was a jewish girl who suffered in the WWII (Worldwide War 2) and she was hiding with her family for 2 or more years trying not to get caught by nazis. During these years, she was writing a diary where she wanted to express her feelings. Well, in 1944 eventually the natzis found her and her family, they took her sister and her in a concentrating camp and she died because of a disease. However her father survived and went back to the little attic they used to live. He found her diary and soon it was published.

Since the subject is sensitive to me, i have been hesitant about buying the book, but i decided to get it. I recommend it you because it describes the conditions of her life, and it’s very emotional. I can tell you, i don’t regret getting it. What do you guys think? Have you read her diary? I currently have her story not the diary, there is a slight difference


I read the book ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’ like three years ago or maybe four and I loved the way the account of war was given. I don’t remember most of it now but I could feel the terror and the frustration at being trapped in a small annex and running low on supplies.

The account of World War 2 was given in such a beautiful way by a teenager.


The diary entries were very interesting.

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They were! And you could also see her adjusting with her teenage through it all!

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Tell me about it. She didn’t have a pleasant childhood at all which is very sad!

In Amsterdam, you will see her house.


True. But it still made sense. The way she wrote it, everything seemed so real even though I was just reading it.


It was definitely real since it was based on real events.


I actually did read it (suprisingly) and had it read to me for half of the book on a online system, then the second half I checked out a book at my local library and read the second part. It was very interesting to see what she had to go through, witness, aswell as hear.

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Ι am planning to visit it when i grow up

I know it was real. What I’m saying is, I felt like it was happening. Right now. Kinda so real.

I didn’t read it but I don’t really have to considering that I live in the Netherlands and the first thing that you learn in hystory is the story about Anne Frank. So I already know what it’s about :sweat_smile:


That’s great, they only taught us little about her at school in literature class

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This seems like an interesting read!

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