Book Suggestions for People Who Love The Hunger Games

Book Suggestions for People Who Love

The Hunger Games

Here I’ve listed a couple of young adult dystopian books which you might like or already have read if you like The Hunger Games. Maybe you like one of the listed books but not The Hunger Games?


Gone Series
~ by Michael Grant
The series is centered on the fictional Southern Californian town of Perdido Beach, in which every human aged 15 and older vanishes. Read more here.

Legend Series
~ by Marie Lu~
Legend is set in a future flooded, fortified Los Angeles, ruled by the totalitarian Republic. The novel centers around Day and June, two 15-year-olds on opposite sides of the economic spectrum. Read more here.

Divergent Trilogy
~ by Veronica Roth
The society of the trilogy defines its citizens by their social and personality-related affiliation with five different factions, which removes the threat of anyone exercising independent will and threatening the population’s safety. Read more here.

Matched Trilogy
~ by Ally Condie~
The novel is a dystopian young adult novel about a tightly-controlled society in which young people are “matched” with their life partners at the age of 17. Read more here.

The Fifth Wave
~ by Rick Yancey
The story follows 16-year-old Cassie Sullivan as she tries to survive in a world devastated by the waves of alien invasions that have decimated the Earth’s population. Read more here.

Uglies Series
~ by Scott Westerfeld
The first three novels focus on the exploits of Tally Youngblood. In the post-apocalyptic future society where Tally lives, teenagers, upon reaching their sixteenth birthday, undergo a surgery to mold them into a so-called “Pretty.” Read more here.
Suggested by @Littlefeets

Battle Royale
~by Koushun Takami
In the beginning of the 21st century, the economy of Japan is near total collapse, with high rates of unemployment and students boycotting their classes. The government approves the Battle Royale Act, where one class is randomly selected and the students are sent to an island where after three days, they have to kill each other and the survivor wins his or her own life as a prize.
Suggested by @LHT

Fire and flood
~by Victoria Scott

What would you do to save someone you love?

Time is slipping away. . . .

Tella Holloway is losing it. Her brother is sick, and when a dozen doctors can’t determine what’s wrong, her parents decide to move to the middle of nowhere for the fresh air. She’s lost her friends, her parents are driving her crazy, her brother is dying–and she’s helpless to change anything.
Suggested by @LHT

The Mortal Instruments
~ by Cassandra Clare
The Shadowhunters protect the world of mundane people, who are also called mundanes or “mundies”, from dark forces beyond their world. Read more here.

The maze runner
~ by James Dashner
A group of teenagers, who call themselves the “Gladers” are left in a strange place which they call the “Glade”. The Glade is surrounded by four doors, leading to the Maze, that close every night at sundown and open in the morning. Beyond the walls of the Glade is the ever-changing Maze, populated by horrifying, biomechanical creatures, called Grievers. Read more here.

Ender’s game
~ by Orson Scott Card
The series is set in a future where mankind is facing annihilation by an aggressive alien society, an insect-like race known formally as “Formics”, but more colloquially as “Buggers”. The series protagonist, Andrew “Ender” Wiggin, is one of the child soldiers trained at Battle School (and eventually Command School) to be the future leaders for the protection of Earth. Read more here.

The host
~ by Stephenie Meyer
A species of parasitic aliens called “Souls” have invaded Earth, deeming the humans too violent to deserve the planet. When a Soul is implanted into a host body, the consciousness of the original owner is erased, leaving their memories and knowledge. Read more here.

  • Have you read any of these books?
  • Have you seen the film adaptations of any of these?
  • What do you think about these books and/or genre?
  • Do you have a favorite book out of these?
  • Do you have a least favorite book out of these?
  • Do you want to add any book to the list?

Other than The Hunger Games, I’ve only read one of these. I read the first 2 books in the Divergent series, and I started the 3rd but I could never make myself finish it.

I have seen movie adaptions of more of them though. I’ve seen all of The Hunger Games movies and liked them, and I watched the first Divergent movie (and maybe the second) but I wasn’t a fan of how it was too different from the book. I’ve also seen two of the Maze Runner movies, and I thought they were pretty good. I saw the Ender’s Game movie once and what I saw was good, but I fell asleep before the end and haven’t gone to rewatch. The movie for The Host was pretty good in my opinion too.

Personally, I really like the young adult dystopian genre. I always find them really cool and interesting.

I’ve only read a couple… I do like The Hunger Games better than Divergent though.

One book series that could be added to this list is Uglies. For people that like these types of books, Uglies is pretty good.

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I think I watched the second, but I honestly don’t remember because it wasn’t that good lol. :joy:

Yeah I liked them too! I don’t remember the second one (I have the worst memory) but I’ve seen the first one a couple of times. Haven’t read the books though.


I liked it! Again, don’t remember it too well though.

Oh! I’ll add it :partying_face:

Edit: Haven’t heard of it before but I just read the description and I have no idea how I missed that book!

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The first had too many changes from the book to where the second couldn’t be enough like the book…

Yeah… was was only like 11-ish at the time, it was late, and I was comfy in bed and just couldn’t keep my eyes open…

Same, I don’t remember it well either.

I started reading the series during English class in 10th grade. I hadn’t heard of it before then, but I had really liked it. Though I never got to finish book 3 since the school year ended and it was from the bookshelf in the classroom…

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Oh, okay, it seems to be a good one then. :wink: I went to goodreads and saw some mixed reviews. But I’ll add it to books I want to read.

Ugh… I haven’t read a book in a while, I would love to get into it though.

  • Have you read any of these books?

Yes, besides the hunger games I read the Divergent and maze runner series

  • Have you seen the film adaptations of any of these?

Yeah, all of them from the series mentioned in the previous question

  • What do you think about these books and/or genre?

They are nice, like a few years ago this totally was the genre I was into but I grew out of it pretty quickly as well…

  • Do you have a favorite book out of these?

I would probably have to say the first book out of the hunger games series, I am still kinda in love with that one

  • Do you have a least favorite book out of these?

The whole maze runner series besides the first one, it just wasn’t my taste anymore

  • Do you want to add any book to the list?

Nope, well maybe some like individual books but I would have to search for the names. Oh, and I think I enjoyed the cage even though it’s really weird and classified as YA sciencefiction it fits in this list pretty well :thinking:

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Same! Or I loved these books and read them when I was between 12-15.

Interesting, I’ve only seen the movies.

I’ll check it out! But first, sleep :monkey:

Marie is a frickin queen. I love the young elites and legend

Ew. The world building sucked tbh

Huhuhu the secret romantic in me loved this hehe

I reread this like every year and the ending makes me cry

Yessss but the add-on books were a bit of a drag

Don’t like her and therefore I don’t read her books

Yessss! So disappointed that Brenda and Thomas’s relationship was not expanded on in the books ending and in the movie at all.


Oh, what isss this :dizzy:

Hahaha, I enjoyed the books. I think it was one of the first ones I read in English without having to look up words lol. I read the Hunger Games in my native language. Don’t remember the books that we’ll but the movies were just… so weird hehe.

Awww :pleading_face: I don’t remember the ending, I have the worst memory ever lol.

Oh, another one who have read Uglies. Maybe should give it a try.

Oh, I usually don’t know anything about the authors.

Yes I’ve read the Divergent trilogy, The maze runners, Ender’s game and I think the first book of the Host? I never finished that one though.

Yes I’ve seen the film adaptation of Enders Game and Divergent.

I think it’s a great genre and if done well it makes for interesting world building :earth_americas:

MMmh I think overall I like Maze runner the most,but I think the first book of the Divergent series was pretty good as well. Wasn’t much of a fan of the rest as it just seemed to go downhill from there.

The last book of Divergent series or Allegiant as it’s actually called.

Yes !

Battle Royale

By Koushun Takami

In the beginning of the 21st century, the economy of Japan is near total collapse, with high rates of unemployment and students boycotting their classes. The government approves the Battle Royale Act, where one class is randomly selected and the students are sent to an island where after three days, they have to kill each other and the survivor wins his or her own life as a prize.

I mean Suzanne Collins must have been inspired this book and-or the movie because it was a massive hit and actuallly pre-dates Hunger Games by several years as the book first got published in 1999

Fire and flood

by Victoria Scott

What would you do to save someone you love?

Time is slipping away. . . .

Tella Holloway is losing it. Her brother is sick, and when a dozen doctors can’t determine what’s wrong, her parents decide to move to the middle of nowhere for the fresh air. She’s lost her friends, her parents are driving her crazy, her brother is dying–and she’s helpless to change anything.

This book is basically Hunger Games meets Pokemon

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I love dystopian books haha. But I’ve read too many YA dystopian stuff lol :joy:

:heart_eyes: I think someone else on this thread liked the Maze Runner too. Might be imagining stuff though. I think it could be really interesting though!


Ooo I think I would like Battle Royal!

I’ll add them :raised_hands:

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Battle Royale also has a cool, but very graphic manga adaption as well.

I think I personally prefer the way the world is built in the Hunger Games because it’s simply more fleshed-out, but I think the character dynamics and interaction in Battle Royale is more interesting. Seeing as Hunger Games has mostly strangers fighting each other whilst Battle Royale is a fight to the death between classmates so everyone already knows about each other before entering the island.

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Ooo, that seems cool!


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I have a list of books that people might like:

  1. Divergent series
  2. Matched series
  3. The Selection series
  4. Stargirl
  5. The Giver
  6. The fault in our stars
  7. The Book thief



I’ve read almost all the Mortal Instrument books and boy I’m I loving them. I’ve only read half of one of the divergent series books

I’ve only seen one of the Mortal instrument movies because my friend forced me to watch it with her. That’s when I actually knew about that series and wanted to check it out.

They are amazing but there are some plot holes that leave me rather iffy.

Not really. I think they’re great but some books have claimed my favorite spot.

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Does anyone have any more books for fans of the hunger games?

Closed due to inactivity :innocent: