Books vs Movies: What Are the Differences?

Originally published at: Shani's Tutoring | Creating Great Minds

Why are books and movies often so different? Which one’s are better? Here you’ll find the differences between books and movies and some examples.

Written by our amazing @Rainbow :heart:


Read it and it is AMAZING!


Turned out better than I thought :see_no_evil: I hope people liked it! :smiley_cat:


I loved it! :smiley:


You’ve said that a lot :sweat_smile: :smile_cat:


Because it’s true :wink:


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This is really good! There are excellent points made throughout the entire post for both ends of the argument and it was an amazing read!

@ScreenSloths, @Bookworms - give this article a read and share your thoughts!

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Honestly I like both books and movies in my opinion.
Sometimes I may not feel motivated actually watch the movie based off a specific book but I will definitely read the book since that’s more of my thing.
And yes too…movies can portray something else different from the book.
They’re also times when I start off watching a movie and didn’t know there was a book to it and I end up liking the movie more than the book and vise versa. That’s just my opinion.

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Hey @Bloggers & @RPers, do you know the differences between books and films? Take a read of this and tell me what you think!

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Omg Percy Jackson books vs movies are just…:tired_face:

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Yup. But did you check out the blog too?

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Did u? :eyes:

I have read every single blog on the site, most of them more than once.

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