Books with or without pictures?

To be honest, it depends. I know some people like books without pictures so that they can imagine the character in their head themselves but I also like books with pictures because it makes me read faster and finish the book faster. The only books I’ve read in picture are dork diaries, diary of a wimpy kid, and webtoon. I think. :joy:



I don’t really have a preference. To me it’s the story that matters most

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I like books without pictures because I like to imagine the characters nd the places myself, but sometimes it gets blurry in my head. So I prefer ones with pictures so that the pictures in my head are solid and the same as how the author imagined it.


Without pictures because they tend to be longer and more in depth.

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Pictures are fun, but I generally prefer books without pictures. They tend to be more descriptive and it lets you envision the characters however you want based on their description.


I don’t really care. :eyes:

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Books with pictures, I don’t like reading really long descriptions. Plus, it helps me envision the scene/characters better since my mind does a horrible job at that.

I don’t really care, I’ll read either but I do enjoy books with pictures. I like being able to see what the characters are supposed to look like, instead of having to rely on my (crappy) memory for the details of the character’s appearance. I don’t actively search out books with pictures though, I just choose the ones that interest me, pictures or not.

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  • With pictures
  • Without pictures

0 voters

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I like books with pictures or drawings because I’m a very visual person.

Unless the drawings are ugly, like in the original Ramona Quimby books by Beverly Cleary. The newer versions of the Ramona books have much nicer illustrations.

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Without pictures. I like to imagine the characters. :white_heart:

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I like when a book has pictures, then I get to see what everything is supposed to look like, but most books I read don’t have pictures.

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I like both, with pictures and without :brown_heart:

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Without? I just don’t think having pictures in novels looks good :woman_shrugging:t2:


because sometimes i picture how a character looks without seeing the drawing and when i finally see a picture my whole image of that character is gone and idk how to see them anymore :sob:



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it depends lmao, i finish faster with books with pictures but i only read picture books with dork diaries or like a celebrity book other than that then without pictures


though honestly, writers and editors shouldn’t be as afraid of putting pictures as they are?
there are so little adult books with pictures, it’s sad
having pictures in a book doesn’t make it childish!
if anything, it helps the reader get a better glimpse at the writer’s mind

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Does it not depend on what type of it is, @Ouijaloveletters?

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The book? Yes. It really does. Some books are better with pictures.

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