Alright everyone, here’s the place to ask any questions for @Ouijaloveletters’s Bridgerton characters!
Please, feel free to go crazy. This is the time to learn anything you want about the characters and their life.
Here’s just a few things to keep in mind.
First of all, please keep anything that’s not PG-13 to a minimum. (This goes for both the person asking questions and the character answering them. In the character’s answer, feel free to even have them say something about being told to not give an answer that would be viewed as inappropriate)
Please ask questions if you want to have one of these threads for your character! The more active you are at asking questions, the higher the chance you’ll be selected to answer them
When answering questions please either use colored text, or have your character’s name with each response.
Louisa: ”If I had children, I would wish that they would be headstrong, having the bravery to stand up for what they believe in, caring not what others think.”
“If I settle down, it shall be on my own terms. Most likely the country, away from…well, everything.”
“Absolutely no children. Absolutely not. Ever.”
“I stand my ground on nearly everything in my life. I am hardly lenient.”
Edgar: ”I simply wish for my children to be kind. Truly, that is all I want. Regarding why I think it is important, do you not wish your children to be kind, sir?”
”I would like to settle in the country due to the quiet, but as long as I can have a quiet place to read, I am alright with anywhere.”
”Children? I suppose that would depend on my partner, as I shall be alright with which she chooses. Children would be welcome, but I am not bothered if she does not wish for them. Gender is no issue.”
”Kindness is the only thing I shall not be lenient about. All other virtues are not as important to me. Intelligence would be certainly nice, so that I may have enlightening conversations, but as long as you are kind, and respect myself and others, I am alright.”
”Belle and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. If I had an exact number of years, I would tell you.”
”Do all friends not fight at some point or another? If you constantly agree, I’d that not rather boring? Disagreements keep the friendship fun, as long as they are minor.
”I love Abigail and Bainbridge, of course, though I must say that I am closer with Abigail, as our temperaments are very similar. We both agree that Bainbridge can sometimes be…a bit much, yet we love him all the same. I do quite enjoy when Bainbridge goes along with…what ever strange schemes that dear Belle comes up with. She’s a dear friend to me, yet she can be a handful. I wish to rebel, same as her, but not as…loud.”
what do you look for in a partner (Louisa…if you don’t want it to be romantic…just a life partner/friend)
what aspect of the season are you most excited for?
if you could change any rule or expectation in society, what would you change and why?
what color is your favorite?
thoughts on Orpheus Langston?
is there a reason you do not wish to marry?
what is your favorite food? and what’s been your favorite food so far at the queens ball? I see you at the snack table girlie
thoughts on your cousins rumors? whistledown isn’t exactly forgiving. do you believe any of it?
how did your previous seasons go? did you have any suitors? any courtships?
being a business owner isn’t typical for a lady. many people will look down on you. with that in mind, is there a reason you decided to enter the season? and are you aware your position hinders your matches?
you have many seasons behind your belt? are you hesitating on a match for a specific reason?
are you wanting to get married this season? if so, are there any ladies who have caught your eye?
if you do marry, will you move back to Germany, or are you planning on staying in London?
”I am proficient in both English and French.” ”Truly, I have always pushed against mother’s attempts to force me to partake in an instrument, yet I have learned the piano of my own accord, and I quite enjoy it.” ”I would have to say cats, mainly due to the facts cats and I seem to have the same temperament. They simp do not care how they are perceived. Those creatures are truly free.”
”Ah, having lived both in Germany and England, I am fluent in both. If those I am aquatinted with wish, I shall gladly teach them German All you must do is ask.” ”I would say I quite like the violin, yet I sadly do not know many musical pieces. I should work on learning more. Thank you kindly for reminding me.” ”Cats, although I quite like both creatures. Dogs can just be a bit to rambunctious for my tastes.
”I commend you respecting my wishes to not marry. Regarding those I am close with, I wish for them to be rather calm and quiet…and yet I am friends with Belle. Well, the way I see it. As long as you do not pressure me to do anything I do not wish to, and you remember to be more quiet around you, I shall tolerate you. Oh, by everything holy, please retain a semblance of intelligence…I understand not all can have high intelligence, but please…common sense, I beg.” ”I am truly looking forward to the season ending. As you know, I have no interest in courting, much less marrying. ”I truly do not mean to be rude, but I do believe you know the answer. I have stated my distain for courting and marriage multiple times. ”My favorite color has to be black, yet if you do not believe that to be a color, I would say dark blue. I prefer the darker colors, and blue has always calmed me.”
”Regarding what I wish to have in a partner, they must be kind. Intelligence and calmness is also nice, yet kindness is the most important to me. If you are not kind, I truly hate to say it, but I may not be so kind to you. I can have a rather sharp tongue. That is a curse I must bear, and I never mean to hurt anyone, though if you hurt those I care about, you are at my mercy.” ”I very much enjoy the balls. I may be rather awkward with people, but if I so wish, I can simply loose myself in the music, pretending I am alone.” ”I wish that it was not so frowned upon for men to learn to do activities suited for women. If I wish to know how to cook, why should I be shamed for wishing to keep myself alive? Embroidery is rather enjoyable too. It is a brilliant stress reliever. Though, I quite enjoy sword fighting, so I suppose there is that. ”I’m quite partial to both shades of red and purple, yet I enjoy all colors.
”Orpheus…the man is a moth to a flame. I appear to be said flame. He is very persistent, and I will not deny that I do admire his sheer determination, I just wish it was not directed at me. ”I do not wish to marry because I do not wish to be tied down. My whims change, and I shall not be able to move as freely as I do now if I am married. Also, I am not an object to be shown. ”My favorite food must be meat pies, much to mother’s chagrin. She believes they are too messy. They taste lovely, therefore I am not bothered. Regarding the ball, I am partial to the cucumber sandwiches. I truly do not care what you think about my habits. Food is one of the only enjoyable things at this event.” ”Rumors? I have yet to hear of any. I trust that Abigail and Bainbridge can handle them how they see fit. I believe in them.” ”As with this season, the seasons before have been the same. I push back on every suitor introduced.” ”As with The times before, mother forced me. As I run a business, I can certainly take care of myself. Yes, I am aware. I do not believe people have sense. Simply because I do not have a title in front of my name does not make me any less than the others around me.”
”It is not that I am hesitant, it is that most women appear to find me boring. I cannot understand why, honestly. It is rather disheartening, yet all I can do is keep trying.” ”Certainly I am. I truly wish a woman will find interest in me, yet we shall see. I believe it is too early to tell. If you would ask later, I shall give you a better answer. ”I suppose time will tell. If my partner wishes to stay, I am alright with that.” ”I very much enjoy medical books, especially The Anatomy of Humane Bodies by William Cowper. It is very enlightening.
ok now the questions been asked let’s play a fine game of ranking. In this game you most and it a most rank the looks of the people i mentioned on a metric of 0-10, 0 being they are worst than ugly they look like they came crawling for hell and 10 being they are of eye catching beauty.
Viscount Augustus of Hatchermans
Lord Ilyas of Keats
Her high lady Belle of the Fleurs
Earl Harrison of the Davis
Lord Baylor
Lady Albina
7.Lady Joane of Claimond
Lady Azucena of the Osunas
Mr Nikhl Metha
10.Lord Edmud of the Wycliff
11 Lady Maiseie of the rutherfonds
12. Lord Archibald?
13.Lady Margaret?
14. Corin Chang-Woo blackwood?
15.Lady Dorothea
16. Lady Donatella
18.Lord Finch
19.Lady Adeline
20. lord atlas
21. Lady Aurelia
22. Mr.Bruce
23. Future Duke Cassian
24. Prince Magnus
25. Lady Pheobe
26. Future Duke orpheus
27. Ms Abigail
Lady Lilley
Mr. Bainbridge Brantley
Who is your favorite composer?
What is your favorite book?
How do you imagine your future?
Can you imagine yourself married and what do you picture him or her to be like?
Would you consider marrying below your station if you fell in love?
What is your favorite passtime or hobby?
Describe yourself in one word, you can explain why you chose that exact word.
Which parent do you preffer?
What do you think is your best quality?
“I would give Lord Augustus an eight. I apologize that I cannot elaborate further, as with the amount of people I have been given, we surely would not leave here.” Takes out the perfume Bainbridge gave her. “I knew I’d need this. Five.”