I’m gonna try to get a Baylor post out today but I’m exhausted so I’m not sure if I’ll manage, we’ll see!
Should have really named Josephine Jasmine
Like, Finch didn’t go around cutting girls hair when he was 10
Still broke Lias lil heart
Like I said he hadn’t received the ‘talking to girls’ masterclass yet
He didn’t know you weren’t supposed to tell them you liked being friends with them
Lia can rest assured that his sister smacked him upside the head as soon as he told her what happened
I fixed my snack problem
Albi will teach him some when they dance!
Uh what?
It felt weird to write with Baylor again, I kept writing she/her instead of he/him, lol, I’m so used to writing Albi
Trying to figure out if this is a typo, or some sort of measurement that I don’t know about. Sorry.
I was inserting myself into Madi and Beni’s argument lol
Typo, should have been glass
Ok, I was just curious.
You thought I dug up some old fashioned measurement or something?
Ngl, in a way that would have been Baylor to always have his glass filled up till the exact same amount.