The mv started and I was like ‘Corin what are you doing here’
His duty
I call bs
No one likes water that much
maybe Klaus does
He’s deflecting
Water is amazing what are you talking about
Apparently last week has effectively fried my brain
I read the word downloader as download-ay
As if it was a French -er verb
The real icing on the cake there is that there wasn’t a single bit of French in the thing I was working on
Like my brain did that completely unprompted
Don’t worry. I once read hurricane as burrito.
BTS, right? I need to get back into K-pop.
Yeah, it’s a BTS song
Called it.
I’ll write my Archie reply tomorrow @sunflowerjm
protests in full power, no time rn
My mom is going to a Bridgerton lunch thing on Sunday.
don’t mind me I’m just ranting because I wanna read posts
Didn’t get a job once again so I gave up
Reply maybe next momth or two idk
Nooo I’m so sorry