Can true love die?

I think, yes because nothing lasts forever :man_dancing:t3:
Can true love die according to you?


Added some tags :dizzy::star_struck:

Uhhhh I don’t even know lmaooo
But maybe yes maybe no according to the type of relationship a person might have

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Even the smell of vomit?


Wow hmmmm… Im… Speechless…

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Sry please speak


Hm… It can, in a way. If you let it

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But it can

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I really don’t think true love dies. I see the term “true love” as love that’s there forever. So I don’t think it dies, I think it’s either manifested or sometimes hidden and ignored, but it’s not dead.


So the idea of a true love is a love that lasts forever, so I don’t know bc ive never experienced “true love”

But real love can sometimes die. You can love someone at one point but not love them anymore. The care for them may always be there but that doesn’t mean the love for them is always there. Part of human feelings is being able to grow past the feelings and move on, so it’s normal for love to die. Sometimes love dies because one person is growing, but the other person isn’t so it’s hard to move forward and progress together. There’s so many reasons as to why love can die

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Jesus Christ, yes.

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This is my least favorite weekly theme, no offense to anyone.

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Haha, I just watched a movie about this. I mean probably if true love even exists.

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I’ve said it before but I think true love is just two people who genuinely love each other so if one of them were to stop loving the other then it wouldn’t be true love anymore.

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True love…yes, it can die. It can be super strong true love, but fade over time because of actions, feelings, etc.

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