Cave Paintings as Art

So we all know the things that are typically associated with art and the arts. Fine paintings, orchestral music, stage plays. But what about the things that predate those? We talk about it a lot in terms of music, but how about art? The beginnings of art can be traced back thousands of years. I’d say that cave painting such as these:

Absolutely count as art, and definitely have a certain beauty in and of themselves. What are your thoughts?


They definitely count as art and I’ll send @CerealKiller in to fight anyone who says otherwise.


Michi can I hire you to fight people for me too XD?

Ah, yes, they are.


Without a doubt, this is a form of art. Everything around us ade considered as art, regardless being natural or man-made. It’s just how people see things.


I don’t really think the cavemen themselves considered it art. It was probably just a form of logging information before writing.

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Love this sm

I’m good at fighting people


:eyes::ok_hand:t5: I might have a job soon

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At fighting people

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:joy::joy: Yes, Yes.

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I want that job :joy:

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Cave paintings are definitely art! They are also documents of the time. The historical aspect is just as interesting as how interesting the art is.

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Cave art is sooo cool! :laughing:

I wonder if there are cave drawings of ducklings :pleading_face::green_heart::duck::eyes::sparkles:

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