Cereal before milk or milk before cereal? 🥣

This is war. :rofl:
Cereal before milk or milk before cereal?

I put cereal before milk.
If you put milk before cereal, you’re an alien.


I don’t really mind as it depends on what kind of cereal I’m having.

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Cereal before milk is the correct way to do it.



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I once did.
But nah, I put cereal first.


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Cereal before milk!


Cereal before milk :gun::eyes::sparkles:

  • Cereal first
  • Milk first
0 voters

The only time it’s okay to put in the cereal after the milk is when the milk is still left from the first bowl of cereals :eyes::sparkles:


If you put milk first then the cereal is gonna make a splash and I cba cleaning up the table just cause i ate breakfast wrong is cereal first obviously

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Dang, I’m the black sheep. :sheep:

No milk, just no milk.

Plain cereal.

Dry. :white_heart:

Dry cereal only. No milk, no liquid, just crunchy, crispy cereal.


I microwave the dry cereal, and eat it warm.

You just pour the cereal into a bowl, and you eat it as if it were a snack. Like when you eat potato chips or cookies, instead of adding milk to your cereal.


That’s dry.