Champions Get FREE Access!

Hey guys,

These quiz threads have been running for the past year (and for some time before that too) and every month we’ve had four people win the prize of access to the locked sections.

I enjoy hosting these threads and want to keep this option available for any user to be able to win locked section access throughout the year. Also, restarting this after 12 months, will mean every user gets a clean slate with the scores and a chance to be at the top!

I will be doing another four quizzes, however, I want to allow you guys to choose their subjects - the top four most votes will be the quizzes for the next 12 months. As for colouring in the poll, if it’s peach then it was in the original quizzes, if it’s yellow then it was in the this past year’s quizzes, and if it’s black or white then it hasn’t been picked yet.

If brought back, which quiz types would like there to be?
  • Ultimate Anime & Manga Quiz
  • Ultimate Cinema & Screen Quiz
  • Ultimate Food & Drink Quiz
  • Ultimate Gaming Quiz
  • Ultimate General Knowledge Quiz
  • Ultimate Geographic Quiz
  • Ultimate History Quiz
  • Ultimate Literature Quiz
  • Ultimate Mythology Quiz
  • Ultimate Music Quiz
  • Ultimate Numbers Quiz
  • Ultimate Science Quiz
  • Ultimate Sports Quiz
  • Ultimate Wildlife Quiz
  • Ultimate Words Quiz
0 voters

@Announcements & @ChampionQuizzers