Character development in anime/manga

Anime and manga can be very long and consequently show the characters existing for long periods of time. In that time, a lot of characters can undergo character development.

  • What’s the best character development that you’ve seen in an anime or manga?
  • Do you like when characters change or stay the same?
  • Do you think that character development is important for anime and manga?

What’s the best character development that you’ve seen in an anime or manga?

Yona on Akatsuki no Yona and MC from Skip Beat

Do you like when characters change or stay the same?
It depends on the story behind the manga/anime,
I love evolution but sometimes there are characters who don’t really change, what happens is that the authors gradually opens the hidden secrets, I believe that this last is confusing sorry.

Do you think that character development is important for anime and manga?

It is. I love Sailor Moon but if Bunny didn’t have any development at all, I would have got tired of watching because each episode was start, victim, save the victim end for 15 episodes or so then Boss Fight.


I don’t actually remember which one

I like seeing the evolution of characters, if they stay the same, it will be boring

yes, I do because, without any development, everybody will be tired of the character and think the character is boring because they’re the same

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