Characters you hate in an anime/manga

I really don’t like a bunch of the villains in anime and manga, although no one comes particularly to mind for being a character that I hate :thinking:

Which characters do you hate and why (spoiler tag things if there are spoilers for a show)?


You don’t really get the reveal right away in the anime or manga but he shows up a few times.

Spoiler warning

obito uchiha. Seriously you seemed like a good kids until you flew of the handle because you didn’t get a full picture of your crushes death.

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I know he gets a lot of hate but Near from Death Note. I don’t hate his character but I would have preferred if something better had come out of his situation.

Don't read if you don't want to know major plot points

The writers though they were slick killing off L. I was so annoyed because I really loved his character. For me, Near was just too perfect. Too smart, too quick, too much. He wasn’t a carbon copy of L but he was a more refined L who wasn’t necessarily smarter but he never made any mistakes. L felt more human because he did mess up and he made human errors. It was a war between Kira and L, a good one too. But Near just guessed Kira’s every move and was just really robotic in his choices.

Love him or hate him, he really can’t compare to L.


Medusa from Soul Eater. Enough said, sure she’s hot, but…welp.

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Click here for a rant

Or, as I like to call him, Jesus-kun. Because this is the most power fantasy protagonist to ever power fantasy protagonist.

He is a complicated man, a man of many contradictions. He’s a antisocial, self-isolating neckbeard gamer, but he also draws people in magnetically without even trying. He’s average looking and can’t flirt at all, but he still gets all the ladies. (He never makes it offical though, of course, because he’s in a “serious relationship” with his “true love” throughout the enture series, and he’d “never betray her”.) He’s basically useless with anything but a sword, including his own body, but he’s a god in literally every game. No, not just the sword-based game; The gun-based game, and the magic-based game too. Because these games all have swords in them, for some reason! And no, of course he doesn’t need to learn any of these new mechanics. He’s Jesus-kun. He’s just… good at them. Don’t ask why. If we try actually explaining why our main hero is so perfect, we won’t have enough time for one-sided fight scenes and weird amounts of gratuitous r*pe scenes.

Also, he has a fidget spinner on his outfit.

Maybe all of this wouldn’t bother me so much if he had a personality. If Jesus-kun was naively, stupidly charming like Goku or self aware of his unstoppable power like Saitama, maybe I’d be a little more lenient with… Okay, I’d still call him out as a Mary Sue, but it’d take me longer to realize it because I’d actually have fun watching him. But he’s nothing. He’s a blank slate for all of the lonely weebs watching this to project themselves onto. There’s barely any emotion in most of his voice lines, and I don’t blame the actors for that. How are you supposed to perform a character this bland? How are you supposed to portray feelings for a character that’s just a manufactured tool, plucked straight from the pages of every self-insert fanfic. Even the animationon him barely shows any expression most of the time! His mouth shapes range from a completely straight line to a slightly bored circle, and I don’t think his eyebrows even move anymore. He hasn’t been repaired in a while, you see, because why fix what isn’t… Well, why fix what was broken from the begining but still makes money? And that really is the best comparison for him: A robot that prints money. Maybe tape a generic black-haired anime boy’s face on there for good measure.

And also-

Don't worry, this one's shorter


Stop glorifying murder you edgy middleschoolers.


I don’t think there is any actual R@pe going on in SAO. Any penitration is either not there or I missed it. I will admit there was a few close to R@pe scenes

Though there was a stupidly close scene in SAO aliceization.

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Does it really matter if there’s penetration or not? We all know what’s being implied. The character still gets violated. To me, it’s still r*pe, and all of these scenes are still disgusting and should not be shot in such a tittilating way.


Sorry if I came across the wrong way

the legal definition is there is some sort of penitration. Sexual assault sounds more likely to me going off the legal definition.

I in no way condone r@pe or sexual assaults.

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Ah, okay. Thanks for clarifying. Sorry if I blew up.

No worries. People’s tones are hard to get thought messages

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Pretty much every bully character who is portrayed as awesome and / or gets a forced redemption arc. Bakugou from BHA and Ishida from Koe no Kanata are two most notable examples.

Bakugou infuriates me because he’s a poster boy for bullying glorification. The way he was portrayed at the start, he sounds like a petty brat who got on a high horse just because he had some talent - and never met anyone who’d put him in his place. If he were really that amazing, he’d get scouted out ages ago.

These types usually get chewed and spat out the moment they run into a real competition - which would be an awesome message, actually. BHA had a chance to show that the school bully is just a king of his small anthill, harassing the weak because he can’t be anything greater. Instead, it chose to show that bullies are awesome and you should look up to them. Not a message this world - and Japan in particular - needs.

Koe no Kanata is more complicated since it’s a manga about a handicap… But not about the handicapped person. The story uses the deaf heroine as a plot device for an able-bodied protagonist’s growth. That alone is a red flag, but on top of that, Ishida is a petty, self-absorbed bully.

This sends a triple disturbing message: One, that it’s okay for the oppressor to use the victim for personal redemption. Two, that we should sympathise with the oppressor instead of the victim. And finally: That handicapped people are an opportunity for the able-bodied people to learn. All three messages are as prevalent as they’re toxic - and, again, not something this world needs reinforced. It doesn’t help that Ishida is an insufferable, self-absorbed brat, either.


That’s definitely not a good narrative to be sending :pleading_face:

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Handicapped person here. You’re absolutely right. I need to watch that.

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Oh my god yes! I cn appreciate that they’re trying to redeem him and still keep him true to his character, I really do, but when a character LITERALLY TOLD YOUR PROTAGONIST TO KILL HIMSELF, it may be too late for redemption.


… or maybe they should invest the time and effort they put into drawing him into someone more worth-wile, yes ~__~


Added characters tag

Hey, @AnimeNerds, there are always a lot of characters we don’t like but are there any characters you just love to hate? :stuck_out_tongue:

Trashta hands down I actually forgot her real name but she’s from remarried empress and I mean her back story is very sad and tragic-ish, but I just love to hate her.

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