I’ve thought so ever since she joined, even if we have huge, massive disagreements sometimes but she just offered to always be a voice of help and support on a thread with some pretty heavy subject matter. That’s really cool.
Also ones during a pretty heated debate she said she was simultaneously taking care of an injured puppy? And like??? I love puppies??? I want to nuzzle all of the puppies in the world, and she helps fix them. That’s amazing.
Also, much like me, she prefers animals to people. Couldn’t relate to anything more.
@Cheyara_M you’re an asset to this forum, and the people around you o7
You’re amazing @Cheyara_M! A huge asset to these forums and an awesome person!
@Cheyara_M You’re sick as frick. Honestly a really great person. Glad to have you on these forums
Now that we’re talking about puppies I need to call my cat
And @Cheyara_M you are amazing!
We didn’t really talk that much, but hey you said Buddy Holly is great so you’re a great human being @Cheyara_M
Oh so sweet!!! Thanks to all of you guys!! This is a lovely way to wake up.
@ChaoticDeluge You really are a gem, you’re fun and kind and I’m really happy to know you on here!
I was indeed taking care of my puppy bean, his name is Lukas and thankfully he is all better now
Like I said, I’m always happy to be here if anyone needs to talk. Animals are frickin awesome!! People can be, if they are the right person, but animals are blessings.
I’m happy to be able to contribute to this place, and to be a part of it and you guys are awesome!
@ShanniiWrites Thank you!! Back at you, you’ve given people a place to actually be not just a forum, but a great place, with fun, laughs, debates, and people being allowed to actually speak and be themselves. Since being here, you’ve been wonderful. I’m glad we’ve had a chance to get to know each other better.
@ThatRandomCaraPerson Thanks sweetie!! Glad to be here, and although we haven’t talked a hell of a lot, I’ve seen you around and you seem like a great person yourself
@natalia Hehe thanks!!
@minoesje Thanks! Aww kitty!!! I love cats too, mine are mischiefs
@Random.Tomboy Buddy Holly is a total legend, he has one of the best voices ever. I grew up with music from that kind of time as it was my parents favourite music. So rock n roll was my childhood. Our mutual love of his music means I can say you’re awesome too lol!
@Mysterious_Tea Back at ya bean!!
Oh the poor little darling. Hope they’re both okay.
You looking forward to the kittens?
I have 4 myself. My “red” (They call it red, but let’s face it, he’s orange lol) exotic Persian, A Siamese cross Bengal and a twin brother and sister Persian cross Ragdoll.
O they are oke I saw them this morning and they were acting their normal selfs. Fay (the pregnant cat) started complaining to me like always so she is fine and Jackson (the one with the weaker heart) was eating I’m happy they are alright because they are not liking the heat and ,from what I am seeing, they aren’t drinking nearly enough instead they are just sleeping in their boxes all day to avoid the sun.
My cats from youngest to oldest:
Awwwww I LOVE THEM!!!
SO damn cute! Bless their hearts. Yeah mine aren’t drinking much, they have a huge bowl.of water down at all times, but it’s barely touched. I think they are mainly sleeping.
I’m glad they are doing okay! Give them hugs from me. They are so sweet.
That’s cold… So much evil in one robot
All feedback to my creators
@Cheyara_M is an amazing writer and her story on a Chapters, A World Apart, keeps me wanting more and more.
(I know you’re not big on self-promotion, so I figured I can do it on your behalf. So glad to have gotten to know you through our robo-friend Cookie.)
See, she even goes to the effort of commenting on each of the compliments she’s had on this thread.
That says more than I ever could