Chinese New Year and Zodiac Signs

Okay, I am kinda fascinated by the Chinese culture and traditions. Inspired by the weekly theme about new year I wanted to make a thread about one of the cultural elements of Chinese culture, the Chinese New Year. It will take place on the 25th of January 2020 following the Gregorian calendar. It will initiate the year of the rat, one of the Chinese zodiac signs. Every year is another animal.


I am a Dragon, a golden dragon to be exact, which is actually pretty cool tbh.

What do you guys think of the Chinese New Year and what are your Chinese zodiac signs? Push here for a website that gives you a lot of information about Chinese Zodiac signs :eyes::purple_heart:

Lol I never wrote the word Chinese so often in one message :joy::rofl:


Imma Ox and Scorpio :scorpius:


I’m a snake and aquarius :snake::aquarius:

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I’m a rooster and a Taurus

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I’m a goat and a Pisces.

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Rooster and pisces :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

Dragon and Sagittarius :sagittarius:

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My friend who is Chinese said that when it’s the year of your zodiac sign, it’s actually bad luck so you need to wear something red to ward off that bad luck. I don’t have to worry about that again til 2024 though!


I’m a Dog and a pisces :dog::tropical_fish::pisces:

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Imma monkey and capricorn :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Why is it bad luck? :sweat_smile::eyes::sparkles::green_heart:


Goat :goat: and Aquarius :aquarius:

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What’s your Chinese zodiac sign? :smile_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

  • Rat :rat:
  • Ox :ox:
  • Tiger :tiger:
  • Rabbit :rabbit:
  • Dragon :dragon:
  • Snake :snake:
  • Horse :horse:
  • Goat :goat:
  • Monkey :monkey_face:
  • Rooster :rooster:
  • Dog :dog:
  • Pig :pig:

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I always wanted to be a horse or dragon lol

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I wanted to be a tiger :pleading_face::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

That too :crying_cat_face::wolf::revolving_hearts:

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Dragon is what i wanted to be

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I’m the only dog :cry:

Rabbit here. :rabbit: