Choose Your Wedding Party! Outfit Contest

Hey y’all! It’s time for another outfit contest. Yesterday’s Episode art release was [Limelight] Choose Your Wedding Party!, which gave us some gorgeous gowns and stunning suits!

As per usual, you have until Wednesday to join this competition. Once again, given the content of the update, you only have to use one item, but if you can, you may incorporate as many as you’d like. You can only use one image, and use the outfits and the image to create a scene/story behind it.

The winner is decided by a community vote, and the winner gets bragging rights for a week and gets their outfit featured on the forums instagram! :grin: :rainbow: :unicorn:

Enjoy the contest, and happy designing! :rainbow: :unicorn:

@OutfitContest - join this tag to be notified about future contests


Would you like to be reminded to join?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

When would you like to be reminded?

  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday

0 voters

Today’s reminders

@anon80318563 @Melaniey

Today's reminders


Yesterday's reminders (i am so sorry i forgot)

@Littlefeets @passionfruit @CrazyCaliope

Today's Reminders



Sorry, I was going to do it and then the portal kept crashing my computer.

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No worries!

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I will try again though.

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Vanessa as a bridesmaid at one of her friends’ wedding.

Final reminder for this week


I’ll be making a post with the poll around 2020-06-17T19:00:00Z

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Time to vote!! The poll will stay open until the new update is released, so the winner will be announced tomorrow!

0 voters



The votes are in. The winner is…


Congratulations! The next contest will be posted tomorrow!



Closed due to inactivity :two_hearts: