Coding Help from Cookie

Just ask questions about coding. Writing related questions are also welcomed.


How do you do overlays? Like I know how to put them in but that’s basically it haha. I don’t even really know how to get them to know and which numbers do what and what order the numbers even go in when you put them into a full code.


You mean layering?


No just straight up moving overlays. I have no idea how to move them and what the numbers on the overlays mean.


Okay. So about moving.
If you need overlay on the screen right away as the scene starts you put it this way->
INT. BACKGROUND NAME - NIGHT with OVERLAYNAME to (scaling number, the default will be 1.000) yy (position number on the x scale) zz (position number on the y scale).
Example: INT. HOUSE - NIGHT with COUCH to 0.798 120 300

If you need to move overlay after the start of the scene->
&overlay OVERLAYNAME shifts to yy zz in T (where T is time in seconds)
It can also go like
&overlay OVERLAYNAME shifts to yy zz in zone N (where N is zone number) in T


I notice that there are some numbers repeated (this is an example of the one in the guides)
@overlay CAR BUG REAR shifts to 140 240
@overlay CAR BUG REAR scales to 0.7 0.7

Soo… If I wanted to combine these (can you do that?) what would I do to make it work and where are there two of the 0.7’s?
And thanks this is very helpful!


So scaling goes in two numbers

@overlay CAR BUG REAR scales to 0.7 0.7
Basically, the first number scales overlay horizontally, and second - vertically. You can put different numbers in the scaling command and overlay may be stretched or squeezed. But if you want to scale it while keeping the initial proportions, then just keep numbers the same.

Now to combining.
If you need simultaneously to scale and shift overlay then you might use both of these commands this way with a & symbol
&overlay NAME scales to 0.8 0.8 in T
&overlay NAME shifts to 100 150 in T

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I need help coding a spot template scene with background characters and making it look realistic.

This is my background:

I was thinking of coding it in a way that the three main characters that are in the scene walk from zone 1 to 3 while talking, while the background characters are doing random stuff, like talking on the phone, eating, etc… or maybe I should just have them waiting in one zone so it’ll be less messy?

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You can do both. Depends on where you need them to be.
I think I have a bit of a script from Wicked 8, in this scene. With overlays actually. If you don’t have overlays for this background you can get them from my drive. PM me your e-mail if u need access. I will send the code shortly.


EXT. SCULPTURE PARK - DAY with SPCART at layer 10 with SPTABLE at layer 5
@zoom reset
&CHARACTER1 spot 0.685 162 279 in zone 1 at layer 11 AND CHARACTER1 faces right AND CHARACTER1 is idle_sit_neutral_loop and DS3 spot 0.731 40 246 and DS3 moves to layer 8 and DS3 faces right and DS3 starts text_phone_neutral_loop and DS4 spot 0.365 122 398 and DS4 moves to layer 4 and DS4 faces right and DS4 starts talk_handsonhips_neutral_loop and DS5 spot 0.371 170 403 and DS5 moves to layer 2 and DS5 faces left and DS5 starts idle_cup_neutral_loop
@add Coffee Cup To Go to DS5
&pan to zone 1 in 0
@transition fade in black in 2

Thanks, this is just what I needed!
I’ll PM you now for access to your drive.

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I’ve been stuck trying to figure out a coding for this for days now, and I need some help :disappointed: Is there a way that I can have a character preview an outfit the same as previewing a hairstyle? I hope I explained that right.

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hum. not sure tbh xD can u elaborate?

It’s kind of hard to explain…

u mean like seeting characters in various outfits, to then pick the right one by clicking?

Not quite.

then please explain. maybe u have some visuals to add?

I’m gonna explain my situation. I am using the elif/if/else coding in order for readers to still have their character wearing the clothing they picked for them. However, I used a code for the main character to change into a particular outfit that readers did not choose. Unfortunately, the main character cannot change back into the outfit choice readers had choose for them to wear because of that coding for them to wear a particular outfit. (I hope I explained this clearly).

Why not just re code in another choice to change outfit again, and reuse the old options?

But, wouldn’t that just be more work for me to do? It does sound like a good idea.