College Applications

If you’re in your last year of high school this year and are considering post-secondary education, you’re going to encounter college applications at some point this year. Use this thread to discuss college applications. If you’re already in university or college and have some advice to share, feel free to do so!


@Cam :woman_in_lotus_position: if you have time I’d like to hear your experience with college applications

sdhbvhf OKAY NGL
i’m possibly the worst person to ask abt this since i was very irresponsible as a high school student and did a lot of stuff with my uni applications

but basically: my country has this standardised test called the ICFES, most universities looks at your icfes score and it plays a big role on getting admitted to most unis
some even skip the interview process if you have a high enough ICFES score

there are some universities that don’t go with the ICFES, thought, like the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (the best public uni in the country, and quite possibly the best uni in general, i haven’t looked at rankings lately but that one and Universidad de los Andes usually fight for the first place on that), instead, the Universidad Nacional (UNAL for short) has its own test, aspiring students must sit through it and the best scores get places on the programs they want
if your score isn’t good enough and your second choice program is open and your score does pass the average for said program, then you can enter
it’s basically the hardest entrance test ldfnvjkgdf and some people take it for pride reasons (since i think it’s free or very cheap to take it?), just to say they passed the UNAL test
i didn’t take that one bc i forgot the application date ldfbvhkfbd and also my parents didn’t want me studying at a public university

i did apply to two universities: my university of choice and the one my mum works at (which doesn’t have lit and i only applied to please my parents)

my uni of choice required an english placement test, maths placement test (for STEM programs), and a written essay for my program, to test our writing and argumentative abilities, as well as a good ICFES score
ngl i was a VERY lazy high school student and… didn’t really try? but hey i managed to be among the top 5% ICFES scores without trying and i was confident of my abilities (shame on 16y/o Cam, they were a terrible student)
(i passed and got a scholarship tho so yay!)

for my mum’s uni i applied for a communication and media program, there aside from ICFES i had to do an interview + an English placement test + a reading comprehension test + an essay

and well here's the irresponsible (and funny) part

i REALLY didn’t want to pass at that uni, bc i knew that if i did, i would have to go there instead of my uni of choice
so well
i sabotaged my own entrance tests dfjkbfg
and wrote an essay about how the church was wrong and hypocritical to shame lgbtq people
knowing that the university is part of this really important religious organisation
so well ofc i didn’t pass lmao


:sneezing_face: yes I like this it is my favorite part


16 y/o Cam was a mess but that and applying to my uni are like
the two things they did right


Applying to university was actually easier than I’d originally thought. I thought it would be this long process of filling out forms and writing essays and all that, but it was actually just going onto the website, filling out my personal and academic information and then selecting the schools I wanted to apply to and paying the fee. It probably took less than an hour.

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Applying to college was just ticking boxes

Applying to university was ticking boxes and writing a personal statement which they don’t actually give a s*it about with the exception of some places, put effort into it but don’t die over it.

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