Colorism! Experiences, Prejudice, and Privileges

So, I’m going to address an unspoken but obvious topic: colorism. Yes, it exists. Colorism is the privilege or better treatment of a person who is lighter than the other. This happens in the colored community a lot. You can also see this in Hollywood, where a lot of light-skin female and male celebrities are famous than the darker ones. Even in the music industry, this happens.

Here are some questions:

  • Do you think our world is obsessed with fair skin?
  • Does this damage self-esteem?
  • Have you experienced this? Or do you know anyone who’s experienced this?
  • Have you seen how it affects your country and the media?
  • What are common stereotypes of someone darker?
  • Has this led to more crime?

Discuss and debate kindly!


I can’t generalize, but there are people who are obsessed with fair skinned.

Yes. Or at least that’s in my eyes. I mean, if, for instance, someone throws or convey a sentence or like “only the white people are controlling the world. We don’t need these pathetic dark-skinned (or black as you say) people”, how do you think people around him would react? Maybe individual will agree with him, but since we are living in 2019 today, people will attack him and go away from him.

Well, I experienced some unpleasant experiences, mainly because of my skin color and where I am from.

Well, where I live, people are coming out against racist and radical (in terms of opinions that are counted as negative ones) people.
Sometimes, My brother is listening to a known radio broadcaster, Natan Zehavi, who speaks with listeners, so one day I heard the broadcast that my brother listened and one of the listener was a woman, and she said something racist against Ethiopians, and Zehavi attacked her. (Yeah, sometime he has a tendency to come at people, but he will never allow anyone else to be racist towards any ethnic groups)


As for the first question, that’s highly seen in South Korea. Fair skin is a beauty standard there.

And that last one. Go Israel!




The broadcaster who attacked the racist woman is cool!


It’s weird. I get a lot of colourism in India for being half black. When I’m around some dark skinned black people, they can be a little mean sometimes because they say I get special treatment for being light skinned. I swear I can’t win sometimes :joy:


Exactly. It’s an in between for me too.


I understand why some dark skinned people are angry, though. My dad gets angry about it xD he generally prefers dark skinned women (even though my step mum is Hungarian) and gets angry whenever Beyonce is called the hottest black women in the world


Dark skins get very little love. And I hate how entitled some light skins can be.


I don’t think the whole world but I do believe some people are still obsessed with lighter skin. Especially at my school at least.

I believe it does deeply. Especially to someone who’s darker. Ik I only have one black friend and she’s lighter then me and I’ve had people tell me that she’s way more pretty and lighter then me, and I’m usually raised with a sense of enjoying my skin but it does hurt when I hear that type of stuff.

Yes I’ve been experiencing it a lot lately, and even my mom would go through the same thing.

Yeah I’ve noticed the models and people who have more fair skin are looked up highly. Not saying they’re not beautiful, but it’s sad that darker men and women don’t really get lifted up in their own bodies.

Hmmmmmm they’re louder for some reason. Idk I’ve heard that a lot. But I also heard that some have huge self esteem that turns people off.

Hmmmmm I don’t really know if it had or not :thinking:

  1. Not really I just think some people prefer it way too much and don’t really give dark skin a chance.

  2. I honestly don’t know, but Ill assume it does to most people.

  3. Not really. I’ll get Indians all the time come up to me being like “Your so pretty!” I’ll feel good then they like, “Light skin looks better on you than dark skin.” I’ll kinda just feel awkward at that point. Since my mom is Indian but looks white while my dad is kinda dark skinned. I talk on my moms looks more though and look more light skinned. But really it kinda hurts when you hear those phrases.

  4. The USA has turned to mush in some places because of this.

  5. I’ve heard “the loud, crazy party girl”.

  6. I’m not sure tbh.



Not the entire world, but certain large groups of people, yes sadly.

Yes, very much so.

I had a friend who was made fun of being dark skinned and cried. Really disliked the fact he made a joke about it.

The country? Slightly, yes and it’s horrible. The media? A little bit, I’m not on social media besides forums (I count it as a social media lol) and I stick with good hearted people.

I would think people see them as loud and rowdy or sassy as seen in Episode stories and such, though I’m not sure why.

I’m not sure, I hope people haven’t been influenced by other people’s comments to commit crime.


Interesting replies.


Not really sure about this one tbh. In Bengali culture, most Bangladeshis are very dark skin but there are fair skinned Bangladeshis. I find it ironic how they expect their child to not marry a dark-skinned man/woman when they actually have dark skinned children themselves. Me & my family are very light skinned so I don’t know if the world is obsessd with fair skin.

Well I do see where this is coming from. It can damage self-esteem.

Hmmm not sure how to answer that. As a light skinned Asian woman, it does not really bother me.

No idea tbh

To be honest, I heard a lot of people assume all Bangladeshis are dark skinned.

No idea

But you can figure out where did I came up with the named Salted Caramel:

  1. I’m salty
  2. I’m caramel (I meant skin colour)
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That’s so true. There are some light skinned people who can be just as bad as some dark skinned people.


I’m caramel too. :wink:

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Hahahah caramel is delicious

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Hence my name.

Hehe :slight_smile: speaking of caramel, I have yummy salted caramel muffins. Yumyum!!!


They make that?