Coming up with character biographies and personalities

For any character, a biography and a personality are two important things that must be considered. For some RPers, a biography may be easy and the personality is difficult, for some its the opposite, while others may find both just as difficult or easy. Sometimes, it truly depends on the character, the RP or SG, and how inspiration strikes.

No matter what, we all have different ways for coming up with the ideas and writing them out, so share how you come up with your ideas for a character’s bio or personality here.



Sometimes I find it hard to make characters with other personalities than me, but you have a bunch of personality tests that you can fill in as you character that might help you create a fun character. Since they often give a throughout analysis what comes to that personality and everything.

As for backstory, try to give a reason ti every personality trait your character has. Most behaviors can be traced back to events from your past. Just by where you are raised and what were the norms and values of your environment can change who you are. One habit from your neighborhood can effect a behavior you take with you your whole life.
If your character is raised in an informal family it wouldn’t make sence that they are very proper, say pardon and are polite/formal.


Random adjectives work for me, usually negative ones, about 5 to 10. Then I create their story and character around those.


For me, writing out a personality will be easier if I finish the biography first because it tells me how the character was shaped through childhood. Sometimes I involve family and flesh them out a bit so I know how their family influences them in their growth. For coming up biographies, I don’t really know where I get them-

It can also be the other way around. I write the personality first then biography. It’s because most often of times, the character ideas I come up with are their personalities. I do research, see what more characteristics can fit, then I write it out (or maybe just an outline of it first). After that, I will see which events possibly affect or shaped the character into the personality that it already has.

But sometimes when I actually have no idea what to do, I search up personalities and characteristics (like kind, generous, mean) and grab ideas from them. Or I can search for FCs first then get ideas from the vibe it gives me.




Personality is way easier for me cos I always have a sort of aesthetic idea in mind and so it’s easy for me to describe

And then bios are so hard bcos like… way kind of life could result in this. And then it’s like AH I don’t want them to be boring but I don’t want to give them a villain backstory

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I always do bios before personalities because it’s easier for me to think of what kind of person they would be if I have their life events and the way that they reacted to them. But I wouldn’t say a personality is easier for me to do than a bio, they both require a fair amount of inspiration and motivation that I often have to just have, yknow? Typically, though, if the bio comes easy, the personality comes even easier.

To get to writing a bio, I normally just stare at my characters fc and name until the lickings of an idea comes to me :+1:t5:

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yes same same

I don’t really create characters if I don’t have an idea, unless it’s for FTD which is-


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For me, since the bio is a lot easier to write than the personality I put my focus onto that. Usually I’ll have a basic idea in my mind of what type of character I want to make, and make the bio from there as the ideas develop from each other. At that point, I have this full vision of the character and its a matter of putting how I imagine they act into words for their personality, though that can often be a struggle.

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