Complex Coloured Clothes! Outfit Contest

Hey guys! It’s time for another outfit contest. Yesterday’s Episode art release was [Limelight] Complex Colored Clothes!, which gave us new colour options for some of the basic clothing items!

As per usual, you have until Wednesday to join this competition. This week, you have to use two items from the new update. You can only use one image, and use the outfits and the image to create a scene/story behind it.

The winner is decided by a community vote, and the winner gets their outfit featured on the forums instagram account plus bragging rights for a week! :grin: :rainbow: :unicorn:

Enjoy the contest, and happy designing! :rainbow: :unicorn:

@OutfitContest - join this tag to be notified about future contests

If you’d like to be reminded to join, when would you like to be reminded?
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday

0 voters


@OutfitContest - If I continued this contest this week (since there isn’t a new update until next week), would you join?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


Since the majority voted for yes, I will be continuing this contest this week in the place of a new contest since there wasn’t an update. So, standard rules apply, you have until next Wednesday to send in your outfits and you must use at least two items from the update. If you want to be reminded to join, please use the poll that was originally posted.

@OutfitContest - also, @WolfGamerGirl37 and I are working on fandom-themed outfit contests, so if there’s a fandom you’d like to see be used, fill out this form!


Yay!! I was really looking forwards to the next outfit contest! :blush: I’ll be sure to enter this one!

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The updates are set to resume next week, so there should be a new contest next week!

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OOh I hope it’s a good update!

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@OutfitContest - last call to join!

(Also, don’t forget to suggest your favourite fandoms in the form above to have them be considered for a themed outfit contest)


items used~


sorry for not posting earlier! thank you for the reminder!
also, do I need a story behind it? I feel like I might call this outfit black cherry? I think the story behind it is just a cute outfit with colors that compliment each other :eyes:


The winner of this contest is…


Congratulations! Your outfit will be featured on the forums’ Instagram account!

@OutfitContest - Stay tuned for the next contest and don’t forget to suggest your favourite fandoms in this form to have them be considered for a themed outfit contest!


YASSSSSSSSSSSS :smiley: I’m so excited!!
Can’t wait until the next one!


Closed due to inactivity and since the winner has been announced