❃☆ Contravisum ~ Official Roleplay Thread ☆❃


Location: Town Alleyway, Villiage in Viserium

Fiirum had to pause. He wasn’t sure if he heard that correctly. But after replaying the words in his head, he was sure of what she said. He couldn’t understand it. He wondered how could treatment such abominable as that be deserved. So, as he often did when seeking an answer, he asked. “Why would that treatment ever be deserved?” Fiirum asked. Additionally, she apologized for having to be seen with her. Once again, Fiirum didn’t understand. He scratched his head, thinking. “Uh, I fail to see the reason why you’d apologize for an action I took of my own volition. Would you care to explain that too?”

@Bluecookies ~ Gwenyth

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Gwenyth finished picking up the now bruised fruit and stood up. She was brushing her dress off when she heard the boy’s question. She eyed him up and down, “You’re not from around here, are you? Otherwise you’d know that I am the most hated person in this village. Whether they express that hatred physically or silently is up to them, I’m used to both by now.” Gwenyth thought it was obvious why he wouldn’t want to be seen with her, but then again he wasn’t from around here. “Because if you’re seen associating with me, then they’ll pick on you too and nobody wants to be picked on, now do they?” It was rhetorical but again she figured the boy might say that, that includes her. “I know, I know ‘but nobody likes to be picked on that includes you too’, well not here. Here, in this village, there’s an order and I am at the very bottom; imagine the worst person in all of Contravisum, ok, they could move to town and I’d still be at the bottom. It’s been that way since I was born and I don’t see it changing anytime soon.”

@Cadborosa ~ Fiirum

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Location: Town Alleyway, Villiage in Viserium

Fiirum thought that having an entire town hate them would mean there was a good reason for that hatred. However, he didn’t get that answer. Instead, she explained why he wouldn’t want to be seen with her. At least, in her opinion. On top of that, Fiirum didn’t much understand what the worst person would be like in his mind. He still hadn’t figured that out. So, maybe understanding why the hatred toward this girl would help. “I don’t think you need to worry about me. People have to catch you before they can pick on you. So, back to you, why are they against you? And, why stay here if that’s the case? Do you feel guilty about it?” Fiirum also noted the interesting phrasing of how it’s been that way since he was born. Therefore, it was probably not something she did. That’s when the elf ears clicked into place. “Do people not like elves here?” Yet, there’s a lot of elves, so it wouldn’t make sense that she’d be on the bottom. “Sorry, I still don’t fully understand. Also, we can go somewhere else if an alleyway isn’t a comfortable place to talk about this.”

@Bluecookies ~ Gwenyth

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Gwenyth looked at the boy, he was a bit smaller and appeared agile, having to be caught first sounded about right. She sighed, “I stay here because If I don’t, I’m afraid they’ll attack my parents or worse. I’m what they’re scared of.” Then the boy asked if people didn’t like elves. Gwenyth scoffed, “If I was an elf, there wouldn’t be a problem.” He didn’t understand and for good reason, for all intents and purposes Gwenyth appeared like a normal human girl…with the exception of her elven ears, but as the old adage went Appearances can be deceiving and her appearance was just that: beauty and deception. Gwenyth smirked for a moment, “I thought you weren’t concerned about being caught. But if you wish to continue this conversation, I do have two more merchants to visit.” She stopped for a moment, “Oh and don’t worry, they won’t cause a scene. Remember how I said there were those who expressed their hatred in silence…” Rather than expand on that, Gwenyth trailed off confident she got the point across.

She walked from the alley to the street and turned around, expecting the boy to have disappeared as quickly as he seemed to show up…

@Cadborosa ~ Fiirum


potato sack outfit


Still confused about the guy laying in the moss, fixated on the birds, I decided to just leave him be. “be sure you lay down somewhere safe” I said before waking along the path, only to hear multiple hooves quickly approach from behind.

Not thinking much of it, I continue on the side of the path to let them pass, but instead, they slowed down as they approached me. “Looks like we finally found you again, miss Syvin” a voice said and I clicked my tongue. “Who rattled me out this time?” I asked. “Who knows” The right hand of ‘my future husband’ said nonchalantly. he, my husband, as if - I thought and looked around to see which part of the forest would be the best to loose them. “When are you going to give up this little game of chase and just accept that your pretty little life is already given to our master?” He asked. “Probably when he finally accepts that he can enjoy himself every night instead as he seems to be the only one he cares about” I commented before making a curtly. “Now have a good day” I said and ran into the forest as fast as I could. A ran towards a deep river and used some boulders to get across so they were unable to follow me.

After that, I avoided the main roads, but as food was running out, I was forced to go to a nearby town to buy food.

Using my old cloak, I walked into the city, expecting a few of that man’s men to linger around as there weren’t that many towns around and I had to go to one at some point, and they knew.

Trying to also avoid the main streets of the town, I used alleyways to avoid the crowd. I had just bought some bread and dried meat and was about to enter an alley when someone else walked out. The little interaction of us almost crashing into each other, drew some attention of the people of the main road and among them was the shout of mister ‘right hand’: “I FOUND YOU!”

They can maybe assume that he is yelling at them.



Fiirum didn’t understand. If not an elf or half-elf, then what could she be? However, it did seem like a sore spot, so Fiirum decided not to push the subject. “Can I express my hatred for their hatred in silence back, so my silence overpowers their silence?” Fiirum attempted a joke. Though, he admitted it sounded better in his head. As they left the alley, they almost ran into another person. Fiirum was about to apologize when someone else shouted at the person. “Hm, are you perhaps being chased by someone? And if so, do you need help losing this man?” Fiirum asked. He looked at the man shouting. He didn’t look too tough, but neither did Fiirum after all. “Oh, Gwenyth if I do help, you can go ahead and get food and we can meet up if you’d rather not join in the running away from a weird man. No worries on either choice, I’ll be able to find ya.”


not my best work but Im on a study break XD


Gwenyth chuckled, “I suppose you could, but it won’t change anything.” She was right behind him when he nearly ran into another person. She managed to step side, avoiding his sudden reaction of stopping. “Hey, what-” She was about to question what he was doing when a shout rang out apparently in her direction. I FOUND YOU!" Gwenyth sighed and set her basket down as she raised both her hands in the air, “Must we do this every time, guard Nolan? I have not, did not, and will never steal anything.” After waiting for a same response that never came, Gwenyth turned around to see a very distinguished, rich-looking nobleman on horseback pointing in her direction–no, not in her direction, but in the direction of the woman who nearly crashed into Fiirum. She was quite pretty, so much so that it was obvious why a nobleman would be chasing her; however the intriguing part was why she would run away. Fiirum asked if the woman needed help and Gwenyth raised an eyebrow, “Quite the hero, aren’t you? Offering help to not only one but two ladies.” On that note however, Gwenyth looked at the woman, “I do know a place, hiding has become an…unfortunate skill of mine.”

@Meekepeek ~ Sylvia
@Cadborosa ~ Fiirum


As I was about to continue running, the two strangers somehow offered their assistance in my escape. “Yes, I’m being chased, yes I need him off my back” I answered quickly. “Sylvia, you keep being shame to your parents the longer you keep running away,” Mr Right Hand said. “They brought shame on themselves when they decided to offer me to someone in exchange for financial security, your Lord can find a different maiden for you to fetch, good day sir,” I said and gestured to the others that it was our cue to leave. “I would appreciate it if you could show us where those unfortunate skills of yours lead us to, because I don’t do cities for these exact reasons” I explain.
@Bluecookies - Gwenyth
@Cadborosa - Fiirum



Fiirum wasn’t exactly sure how to respond to that comment. It was more out of instinct than a conscious decision. So, he decided to quote something his parents said to him as a child. “I-if someone in need of it… you help them,” Fiirum stuttered a bit, though that wasn’t anything new. He thought about ways to slow down the pursuer, deciding to use equipment Fiirum grabbed a bag of ball bearings, throwing them to the ground to slow any chase. “I agree. Go ahead and lead the way. I’ll take up the rear in the unlikely circumstance they catch up.”


Ima legit have to put remember to respond to stuff on my calendar


Gwenyth nodded curtly, “Ok then, follow me but you must stay close and do exactly as I say.” She scooped her basket off the ground and started off down the now memorized path, Make a hard left between the jewelry and clothing stalls, into the alley, duck the clotheslines, slip through the crack in the Eastern wall then off I go away from it all. Gwenyth had never done it with other people in tow before, but then again she had never met a pretty woman and a weremouse before either…today was full of surprises. “When I say, ‘Now’, make a hard left, got it?” Gwenyth weaved through the crowd as fast as she could until she saw it, “Now!” She immediately made a hard 90* turn left and with ease slipped between the market stalls. She looked back to see if her help was needed or if they made it through and she could continue on without slowing down.


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