Cooking or baking, which one’s more fun?
What’s more difficult?
What do you do more often?
I prefer baking because I can decorate it creatively I guess cooking can be a lot more difficult depending on which meals you prepare. I don’t do neither of it regularly
I definitely agree with you on decorating things with baking. I’ve been doing SO much baking in lockdown and I did do a little bit of cooking too. But I’ve found cooking (for the most part) to be less interesting. I think baking has just the right amount of challenge to it, cooking can sometimes be too much so. If it wasn’t already obvious, I do baking a lot more often. I hardly did it before lockdown though, because I spent too much time revising for exams (that I… no longer have to do)!
Depends on the recipe… sometimes baking when it has to do with kneading dough because that’s kind of hard, or decorating a cake… but cooking can be difficult if it’s a complex recipe.
I don’t like cooking and baking, at all… I’m not patient for that
But because I eat certain things I have to do it.
I definitely think baking is more fun and cooking is more difficult!
Hmmm…for me none of them are difficult, just as long as you know how to follow the instructions given. For me, I have fun baking but I cook more often than baking. I really wanna learn how to bake cookis though
Baking is best! I don’t cook, so I guess that’s harder.
Cooking is more of an art. You don’t necessarily have to follow a recipe to a T when you cook, but that’s not the case with baking. Baking is very much a science. Everything has to be exact.