🏰 Create Your Own Kingdom 🏰

Hello! I hope y’all are having a good day ~
To have fun, let’s create a kingdom today!

Ruler: Let’s start by deciding who the ruler will be. It can be anyone; you, users on the forums, fictional characters, celebrities. There can be multiple rulers too!

Name: This is an important question: what are you going to name your kingdom? It can be as silly as you like.

People: Next, what are you going to call the people who live in your kingdom? It can be something similar to your kingdom’s name.

Environment: How is the environment going to be? Will there be lush hills and colourful plants, or like a barren wasteland with little to no plants? It’s up to you!

Flora & Fauna: Ah, yes, another important thing. It’d be cool to see weird plants and animals in your kingdom or, perhaps, no plants at all! That’s up to you.

Religion/Cult: Is there a particular religion or cult the people have to follow? It can be real or made up. This is completely optional.

Laws: All kingdoms have laws. Are there any particular laws your people have to follow? What are they?

Buildings: How will the buildings be built? Do you have a particular style/colour scheme in mind?

Technology: Will there be futuristic technology where cars will fly and robots exist, or will there be no use of technology at all?

Clothes: What clothes will your people wear? Is there a particular style/colour/pattern they have to follow?

Food: What kind of food do your people eat? You can make their cuisine as weird as you like. It’d be interesting to see crazy foods

Festivals & Holidays: Does your kingdom have any festivals or holidays? What are they? You can make some up.

Speciality: What’s so special about your kingdom? What makes it stand out? Is it because it’s the richest kingdom in the world with all the gems and jewels anyone could wish for? Or is it something stupid like producing and selling socks (@AS007) ?

This is the list with all the things you need to fill –

Here’s an example –

Ruler: DiscoBot
Name: The LoserUser Kingdom
People: Are all robots called LoserUsers
Environment: Wasteland with no water or plants; a boring looking land
Flora & Fauna: No plants or animals
Religion/Cult: Disco Cult (for people who worship DiscoBot)
Laws: Everyone should be in the Disco Cult
Buildings: Plain, white buildings
Technology: Futuristic technology
Clothes: A neat blue suit with a purple bow.
Food: Nothing; they’re robots that don’t need food
Festivals & Holidays: No festivals or holidays; they work all the time
Specialty: It’s Disco’s kingdom full of robots. What’s more special than that?

Anyway, I wanna see your kingdoms!

@Discussions @Writers @RPers


This may or may not be very useful for an rp idea I had where some players are allowed to make their own kingdom.


The RPer’s characters could create their kingdoms :eyes:


There could be a RP/SG/forum-game called ‘Kingdom Wars’ or smth


well there are going to be 3/4 kingdoms and they will be created by the players, either by one who’s the king or multiple and then there’s a council (or they pick a king or queen).


I did some world building for a rp (for the first time) but sadly it died and I got inspiration to turn it into a story.

This thread will be helpful to keep all information in orders.

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Ooh, what was it called? :eyes:

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You know about it lol. Remember Kenneth?
He was from a 1×1 rp with @Mouschi

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Ohhhh yes yes. The lightning guy?
Zuzu and Ken talked in the GC or smth

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Lightning dragon yes

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I posted some information on this thread as well

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Ah, okay, I know him.

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omg leave my socks alone :sob:

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Well, I hope whoever does this talks to me, please
'Cause I developed a new user’s plot completely. It was to point where I took the name she had called it & the basic theme, and completely developed it. Anyway, it was called Warring Kingdoms and I was going to think about actually doing it here the end of the year or start of next. Though if someone else wants to do something instead (similar), could you please just talk to me? (wink)


I’m kinda want to do something like that
 but not right now. In November or December, maybe?

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Well mine is a little bit of a kingdom wars but within an rp. But it’s up to the players if they want to work together or frick each other up hahaja.


Again, I only ask that you talk (in PM, so we’re not off-topic) to me before you do so. 'Cause I stated a few months ago, on a thread, that I wanted to do this. But if there is going to be not one but two similar then I guess I can’t.


Let me try this!


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