Crush Stories & Fantasies

I’ve always wanted to share my crush stories and my fantasies, so I was like “why not make a thread?” If you ever need a place to help with your love life we’re here. I’d thought it be very interesting listening to what people have going on in their love lives. :smirk:

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Added the #crush tag


My fantasies are not PG-13 lmfao.

But I could share my love life drama :thinking:


Well, I guess I’ll start off.

I had a crush on this guy in the first grade, he moved to another school while I stayed there my entire elementary years. It was time for me to start middle school I stayed there for a while and moved schools, he is in my class and it took me months to recongize him and he is the boy-version of me and he is in my class and I still have a crush on him.

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So it’s been nearly a decade and he is back in my life. :open_hands:

I don’t have a love life. I just have a Why-does-nobody-love-me-back life :joy:



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i put this on the exes thread a lil while ago:
so um dis boi and i liked each other 2 yrs ago and then we lost contact for a lil bit and then i saw him again but we didn’t have much time to communicate so we just made alot of silent eye contact from across rooms and mid convo w friends type stuff and then couple months ago i saw him again and we had the opportunity to talk everyday and he picked up EXACTLY where we left off liek one time, discreetly he was giving an example to his friend of how to flirt (eavesdropping ahah) and he said “hey” -turns his head towards me- “baby” I DIDNT EVEN IMAGINE THAT idfk and liek the second day, we made eye contact, and then looked away, and then looked back, and i saw him smirk to himself liek THIS BOY IS FORWARD but liek i chickened out on talking to him and um kinda DIDNT and so then AGAIn we lost contact for a lil while -but i ended the loss of contact cos I WAS CONVINCED WE’RE SOULMATES and so i wrote a letter to my english teacher to sit me wit 'im- and then SHE FOLLOWED THROUGH! liek what- THE FRICK FRACK SNICK SNACK and so then i sat next to him again but cos i hadn’t talked to him im pre sure he thought he thought i liek hated him or was using him hmhmh it was sum lame AND HE GOT BACK TOGETHER W HIS GF (who i think he left 2x for me) so i couldn’t be romantic or anything when i confronted him cos if he has a gf yk i cant just be liek HA, GOTCHA MAN and i jus wanna clarify dat we liek cool now yk. so- I WROTE HIM A LETTER, i wanted to keep it short simple and sweet so it was just a sticky note paragraph -oml- and there was a significant date that i was supposed to give him this sticky note on (2/24) but then I CHICKENED OUT and i ended up having a limited time frame anyway cos we had a friction fire drill like ?? but i gave it to him friday 2/28 as the bell rang to end english class. after that, over the weekend i saw some psychic readings and stuff hoping it was the right thing -the palm readers all say ima have a miserable life lmao well f*ck yall, tarots are the way to go- and UM MONDAY HE DIDNT SAY SHII and he still hasn’t so um we’ll see -tarot lady number 3 said i’ll find sum in the future :joy::joy: omfg




:tea: Wow


my current crush is my ex best friend
liek yikes

i thought i ruined the relationship but she sent me in a paragraph that she thought we just drifted apart and we still make eye contact alot, WELL, still made eye contact alot, cant rly do that through online school
i dunno how long i’ve liked her, it just dawned upon me recently

oh and i had a dream about her last night


OOoh new feelings! What was the dream about?


it isnt rly that interesting, but i love talking abt her so :v:

lol :woman_facepalming: so i ran into her in like a grocery store and she was crying kinda and she said hey to me at the end of the aisle second-closest to the entrance catching me by surprise and i was jus v happy to see her but i didnt want to be overwhelming so i said hey back and then she laughed and then i laughed and i just hugged her and -OMLLLL every time i think abt her i get v strong emotionssss- but so then i think she pulled apart from me for a second and looked at me like she was gonna tell me something but i was like why u not huggin me no more and pulled her back and we stayed that way for a lil while and then idk

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That’s soooo cute, I wish you could see my face I’m cheesing right now. Having those type of dreams are the best.

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IKR! im blushin

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Lowkey sounds like To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. :joy:


I remember one time I saw my crush get up from his seat to get some color pencils and I needed some too. The creepy part was I said “excuse me” exactly like him and I did the same motions as him then he looked at me like I was crazy. Sorry we act alike.


:eyes: wow i hadn’t noticed it fitss


Awwww. :joy:
That’s funny tho.


I have a long story but I made myself forget his name so I forgot it dasjnkdnasjkdnak lol bye. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: