"Cure" for the Common Cold!

Eh, this is more of a way to assuage the symptoms of the common cold. It’s a virus so you can’t actually cure it. It’s that annoying tick in the side that just keeps coming back each year. So, hopefully the tips can help you get over a cold when it comes.

  1. Number One Rule when sick: STAY HYDRATED
  • This can be any source of liquid though preferably water, juice, broth soup, lemon-water with honey mixed in. Stay away from any liquids that dehydrate you such as alcohol, sodas, and any caffeinated drinks. They can make the cold worse if you do drink them. I know for some this could be hard but I would suggest drinking Body Armor drinks if you are sick. They have a high dose of vitamins that will help with the cold plus it won’t dehydrate you.

Body Armor Drinks

  1. Rest your body when you can.
  • You need to rest your body so that it can heal properly. Best solution is to take medicine that promotes sleep so that you go to bed early without any problems. Nyquil or Zquil are good medicines to use for colds. They test horrible but it will at least help you stay asleep plus clear up some symptoms like coughing, running nose, or headaches. There are pill versions as well though I think the liquid version kicks in faster than the gel caplets. I would ask your parents to buy this for you if you are younger than 18. Also, going to bed before midnight will help your body get the rest it needs because it goes through a reboot like setup when sleeping during the hours of midnight-3am.



  1. Soothe the Sore throat.
  • A sore throat can be bad if you work near food. Though if it’s a cold then it’s more likely drainage going down the back of your throat from the sinus cavities. I would suggest gargling saltwater in order to soothe it. Make sure the water is warm then put 1/4-1/2 of a teaspoon of salt in the water. Then stir it all together once you do that gargle the water for about a minute it should soothe your throat. If you can’t do that then buy cough drops, throat sprays, and some natural remedies of ice chips too. The cold ice can soothe the throat as much as the warm saltwater. Another good way to deal with a sore throat is to drink on a warm drink like hot cocoa, warm non-caffeinated tea with honey in it, or no honey.
  1. Combating Stuffy nose and congestion.
  • This is where you will need to start taking medicine to help you out. Nasal sprays like Flonase is good to use. Benedryl is good though it may make you drowsy since it causes that side effect in most people. Sudafed is one that I go by the most since it’s quicker acting than most meds. It does have a caffeine-like effect because of the main drug used in the medicine but that will help you push through the day if you have school or work to deal with still.
  1. To relieve pain:
  • Tylenol or Ibrophen are good meds to use when trying to push the pain back. Ibrophen is better to use since it takes any inflammation out of your body plus it’s a fast working medicine. Don’t exceed 6 Ibrophen in a day if you do take it.
  1. Try to add moisture to the air such as a humidifier or cool-mist vaporizer.
  • Also you can use Vick’s vapor patch on your chest if you still have a hard time sleeping during a cold. It will help you breathe during sleep.

There is a tool you can use that many people swear by. I don’t necessarily use but I know a lot of people who do. It’s called Netti pots they help clear out your sinuses by sending water through one nostril and out the other nostril. Below is a link on how to use one. This is best to use if you get bad sinuses.



HAHAHAHAHA! My “cure” is to just ignore it and work through it.


Basically! :rofl: :joy:


Cure? I just ignore it enough till my mom makes me inhale hot water.


Inhale hot water?


That sounds like fun in the most torturous way.


I just drink tea and watch TV shows :joy:

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When I’m sick I either ignore it and do as much as I can, or I sleep the entire time :joy:


The steam from it :joy: guys I’m fine, that was my 3 am insomniac brain talking


Interesting technique.

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Just make sure that if you’re using a Netti Pot that’s it’s from a verifiable source (no Wish or Alibaba) and that its packaged well. Since you’re putting the water in your body, you don’t want to get even more sick! :banana::sparkles:

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Yes, but it helps my nose be less stuffy/runny. Basically, you boil water, pour it into a bucket, then you kneel down (or sit, as I do), cover yourself with a blanket, and breathe in the steam from the hot water. You can take occasional breaks. And some people use camphor as well.

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This is actually a great idea, 'cause I felt a a hot toddy works the same. It’s for a sore throat but it helps with sinus issues too. A hot toddy is hot water, lemon, cinnamon, honey, and whiskey. Though you can make it without the whiskey.


Why does that sound really good to me right now?

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That sounds nice… is it like tea?

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And don’t forget DayQuil.

That’s like what my family does, except we don’t use hot water and I think ours has cayenne pepper in it instead of cinnamon. We keep a bottle that we pre-mixed forever ago handy just in case someone needs it. A couple spoonfuls and you feel it burn, but you feel relief soon enough.


Oh right! I thought about but forgot to write it in the post last night.


A juice made of ginger, cayenne pepper, honey, and lemon juice works.
Putting colloidal silver in your drinking water helps prevent colds.
Sometimes I also make a tea with garlic, lemon juice, ginger, honey, and a pinch of pink Himalayan salt.
If I’m still feeling bad after doing all that, I go to the doctor and get antibiotics.


Interesting mixtures, I have never heard of colloidal silver though.


HEHEHHE! It really it. Give it a go.

Yeah, it’s sort of like a herbal tea.

WOAH! That’ll knock your socks off. Gosh.