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I’d go full Gelatinous Cube who uses a skeleton to talk. :pleading_face:


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DAMN! That sounds sooo interesting and I’d love to see it in play.
I’ve just been searching beyond to see if anyone has either made it or I can purchase it. However, the results are inconclusive. I even tried searching the other ones too but they’re not there either. Do you know what book it’s in or is it fan-made?


Absolutely! (wink)

Try searching Plasmoid and there should be a D&D 5e wiki.dot link that pops up with the info

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Alrighty, will wait to see what you decide. (wink)

Oh yeah? What was untraditional about the game you played?

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I did. I searched it on Beyond and nothing is there. I also searched Unearthed Arcana and it only had the compendium, which only had one race to buy - the Owlin.


Oh, well here’s the info:



Source: Unearthed Arcana 80 - Travelers of the Multiverse.

  • Ability Score Increase. Increase one ability score by 2, and increase a different one by 1, or increase three different scores by 1.

  • Creature Type. You are an Ooze.

  • Size. You are Medium or Small. You choose the size when you gain this race.

  • Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.

  • Amorphous. You can squeeze through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide, provided you are wearing and carrying nothing. You also have advantage on ability checks you make to initiate or escape a grapple.

  • Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades of gray.

  • Hold Breath. You can hold your breath for 1 hour.

  • Natural Resilience. You have resistance to acid and poison damage, and you have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned.

  • Shape Self. If you are not incapacitated, you can reshape your body to give yourself a head, one or two arms, one or two legs, and makeshift hands and feet, or you can revert to a limbless blob (no action required). As a bonus action, you can extrude a pseudopod that is up to 6 inches wide and 10 feet long or reabsorb it into your body. You can use this pseudopod to manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open container, or pour out the contents of a container. The pseudopod can’t attack, activate magic items, or carry more than 10 pounds.

  • Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language that you and your DM agree is appropriate for the character.


It’s Unearthed Arcana- Sometimes they appear as an option on DND beyond (Like for example I was able to play as a fairy once because it was being playtested) But I don’t think they’ve made an official release yet- (If ever) I usually just copybrew UA I like until there’s an official release I can buy
Someone made a UA backup for when it disappears off DND beyond right here


But if you don’t wanna do that I understand and I can work on a different character


Yeah, a fairy is on there. You can use ones users have made or buy the book’s version. But on Beyond, I tried searching for the race and other races but there’s no data for it at all. There’s info on Unearthed Arcana in the book, but as for the races and whatnot along with, they seem to available as of yet.
Yes, I know I could simply make the race using this information. Though I really would rather not, I’m still quite new to it all. I don’t mind spending $2 to get the race if it was there, I just don’t wanna create it myself. Do you understand? (apologetic face)


Wanna see the Deviantart of Gelatinous Cubes, anyway? (I can PM you!)

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Yeah, that’s why I edited the message to add this link to one that was already made in homebrew- unless you’re not subscribed in which case you cant add other people’s brews to your collection.

But yeah I understand not wanting to do that stuff- and if you cant add this homebrew or don’t want to-- its dandy- I can just save the character for another campaign down the line-

I can start brainstorming some new ones now
As in new characters- probably a healer just cuz cleric is another class I neglected to play up till now

Yeah sure, full link so I can stalk any ones that are 10/10s XD


HEHEHE. Yeah, I have a subscription, else I wouldn’t be able to create more than three character. (wink)

Oh, yup. Thanks. I wonder why that did come up in my search through the homebrews. Oh well, thank you for finding it. I’ve added it. You still wanna be a warlock?


Heheheh Yes, I have an ingenious plan- that I will ofc pass by you later so you can limit it if need be
But it’ll only be relevant if they survive till level 2 XD


HEHEHE. Okay. Sounds like a plan. (wink)

Shall we start creating the Plasmoid Warlock now or would you prefer to finish up the ‘real-life’ character who’s playing this character first?


I already basically finished the Real- Life one at least an outline might add stuff later but yeah I an create the warlock- just debating on subclasses


Like the whole making two seperate characters? Do we do the character as themselves and then their character numbers? Is that what you mean?


Oh okay, I’ll let ya mull over subclasses before we get to creating them then. (wink)

HUH? It’s the same character. So the one in the slides is your character, just like any regular RP, yeah. That character sign-ups up for this video competition where they’re transported into a video game and now inside this new D&D/Video game character (your Half-Orc Barbarian)


I think I’ve decided- unless I get very unlucky with stats XD


Oh yeah, what have you decided and I’ll try finding it to sync it up?


I’d say the Celestial Subclass for warlock- also it fits their real occupation so why not
(It should be in Xanathar’s Guide )