Daily routines!

So because of quarantine everyones daily routines have changed. So what’s your daily routine now?


11AM- Wakes up.
11AM- Goes on phone.
11:30AM- Feeds pets.
11:40AM- Makes coffee and talk with the fam :v:
12PM Skincare/brushes teeth.
12:20PM- Goes in my room and watched B99 whilst switching between twitter, the shannii forums and tik tok.
1:30PM- Goes in my garden.
3PM- Gets a snack.
3:10PM- Scrolls thru pinterest for hours looking at memes.
5PM- (If it’s a weekday) i’d do some work. If it’s a weekend i’d spend this time on netflix.
7PM- Make some tea and eat it whilst scrolling on twitter.
7:30PM- Tidy.
8PM- Shower.
8:30PM Dry hair/skincare.
9PM Gets a drink and scrolls on the forums whilst watching netflix/youtube
11PM Brushes teeth, gets a glass of water and takes sleeping pills.
11:15PM Write my story.
12AM Sleep.

and repeat.

Dont forget to take care of yourself during this time


Added a few tags.

Mine changes day to day.
Though I am awakened at a similar time each day. 530 - 6am


Thank you for adding the tags.


No problem

More people should see this. Sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged @Discussions


I wake up and then I’m on my phone all day :smiley_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:


I usually wake up at 12pm
Watch stuff on Netflix all day
Stay up still 2am and then sleep ;-;


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I usually wake up at 8 AM, make coffee, and have breakfast.
What I do during the day depends on my work schedule. On Mondays and Wednesdays, my students have online lessons in my subject, so I have to film Monday’s video on Thursday and upload it, and Wednesday’s video on Monday (but I prefer Sunday because on Mondays I have to grade assignments).
Sometimes my mom and I go outside and walk around the apartment buildings.
On Mondays and Wednesdays, I check assignments and chat with my students on Google Hangouts if they have any doubts. Some students connect just to chat, which is cool. :sunflower:

I usually eat lunch anywhere between 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm.
If I wasn’t able to sleep well, I take a midday nap… sometimes I read, play games on my tablet, write my story, watch videos on YouTube, pray with my mom, and make a recipe. I write in my diary at 9:00 pm. I usually sleep at 12:00 am but if it’s too hot or if I took a long midday nap, it’s harder to fall asleep.


At 5:30 I get on the forums, at 6:00 I get dressed, bruh teeth, gel my hair, etc…, at 7:00 I go for my 3 mile jog with my dog Ronnie, at 7:40 I end up back as base and go to the gym and work out, at 8:00 I go back and make my green smoothie and drink a glass of green tea no sugar, around 8:45 I get back on the forums, around 11:00 I do some writing, 12:00 I read a couple chapters of my book, near 12:30 Expect a call from my family, 1:00 I go to training, 4:00 comes my work, 8:00 I get back to base and do whatever…


How do you all still wake up so early?! I sleep until 11 at least :eyes::eyes::green_heart::joy:


2 monster under 4 years old

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Actually, my routine’s stayed the same. The only thing that’s changed is the time I wake up, I don’t have to set an alarm for it and doing online school instead of going to actual school.


Okay wow, i now feel sad because im not doing anything productive unlike you.

On weekdays:

9-10 am: wake up, do whatever I do to prepare in the morning
10-11 am/12 pm: make breakfast, either after or before online classes
11 am-2 pm: do online classes
2 pm-4 pm: practice at my theatre program (online, and try my best to make it if I don’t have a Youth Council meeting)
4 pm-8 pm (sometimes later): do my work from classes, eat, take a shower
8 pm-1/2 am: write, watch k-dramas or Netflix, use the forums, read a little bit. Then I sleep, or at least try to


8am: wake up. Get myself ready for the day.
9am: jog with my dog
10am: do homework
3pm: do chores
4pm: eat lunch
5pm: get on phone
7pm: afternoon walk with dog
8pm: eat dinner
And for the rest I stay in my room until I sleep. If I had some free time between those hours I probably would be on my phone or tv. My weekend schedule is completely different from my weekday schedule.

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It’s her one year forum anniversary. :cloud:




Thanks y’all.


Oof I feel like I don’t have a routine now that we’re in this quarantine. I do whatever I feel like doing but I also make sure I do my work for college!

But before this, this was what my day looked like

8 AM - wake up
8:30 AM - go to the bus station
9 AM to 6,7 PM - at the Academy. Yes, around 9 hours
8 PM - get home and finally eat and relax a bit; forums, shows…
9 PM - work on my projects and from then I just do what I want and go to sleep whenever I’m really tired

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My daily routine during the quarantine
(This is during weekdays)

8:00 AM:Wake up and start my

morning skincare routine
  1. Cleanse my face with a gentle water Cleanser
  2. Use an aloe BHA Skin Toner
  3. Apply a bit of hydrating serum
  4. Apply some eye cream under my eyes
  5. Moisturize my skin with a day cream suited to my skin type
  6. Put on sunscreen with a strong SPF

8:15 AM Feed my cat and start making breakfast
8:30 AM Eat breakfast and scroll through social media
8:50 AM Brush my teeth
9:00 AM Start my work (I’m an intern and am able to work from home)
1:00 PM Prepare and eat lunch while often video calling with friends
2:00 PM Continue working
5:00 PM Finish up my work for the day and write in my logbook
6:00 PM Join my mother for dinner whilst browsing the internet
7:00 PM Start doing the dishes
7:30 PM Go for a 30 min walk (usually 4-5 km)
8:00 PM Do whatever (showering, school, catching up with friends, browse online etc…)
11:30 PM Start my

Nightime skincare routine
  1. Oil cleanse
  2. Water cleanse
  3. Toner
  4. Serum
  5. Sheet mask (only on friday)
  6. Eye cream
  7. Moisturizer

12:00 PM Go to bed and hopefully sleep or scroll mindlessly on my phone