Death Note - Anime

So for any of you who have watched Death Note, do you like it?

Not the movie - n o t t h e m o v i e . But the anime.

If you liked it, why? If you didn’t, why not?

I’ve watched it and it’s great.

L is the only character in my entire life that has been so similar to me and the anime’s plot and characters is just as smart as I wish people were.

Anyways, whatcha think @AnimeNerds @ScreenSloths?


I liked it, but I only watched it up till L d worded and I haven’t watched it in a few years so I don’t remember much

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Spoilers :eyes:

In my opinion it would have been better if it ended when L died


In my opinion, it’s an amazing anime. The plot is really nice, although i was a bit dissapointed when the show ended, I still find the anime pretty good and to this day I learn new things about it like the “shinigami realm” and stuff like that. People have disected this anime so much and it’s fun to hear about theories and stuff like that. I say this because the anime is quite short.


I enjoyed this anime so much but it kinda went downhill when L died (and I’m still mad about it) . I wouldn’t call it the best as people make it out to be, but it’s certainly one of the good ones out there.

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I only have one thing to say about this.
And that is the manga ending was way better :relieved:

Not that there’s much of a difference, however Ryuk’s betrayal was so awesome and badass that I’m annoyed the anime changed the ending a bit. ← ending spoilers.

But overall, yes. I liked the anime.

Yes! I feel like after that moment the series sorta dragged out a bit. Although I must admit Mello has to be my favourite character so I’m not too angry about that :sweat_smile:

Yes the anime was great, it wasn’t that enjoyable after episode 25 for me tho. I love Light and L’s rivalry.

My analysis on Light, there are spoilers btw

Light was an interesting MC, a man who just wanted to remove all the evil people in the world to make the world more peaceful. But as soon as he uses the death note more and more, he starts removing people that were innocent but was against the whole idea of Kira. So in his view, he sees those people as evil if they were against Kira. He starts getting a god complex since he was so blinded by his ideology and becomes too prideful to the point that he fails his own goal. And in the end we can see he dies in the middle of staircase showing that he isn’t going to heaven nor hell because his goal was morally good but his actions were morally bad.

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My general take is that the anime in this case is the better medium than the manga but in both cases it should have probably ended halfway through, I have never heard someone say they liked the entire of Death Note and everybody has the same reason.

@AnimeNerds what do you guys think?

Ofc end part wasn’t that good but it’s a good Anime and choice to start watching animes