Death Parade - AnimeWeekly 6.11.22

! So this week our featured anime is Death Parade @AnimeNerds @AnimeWeekly !
Thank you @Ouijaloveletters for suggesting!

Moonglade DEMO Bold
Rated R

Moonglade DEMO Bold

(Changed the wording a little, but credit to @Ouijaloveletters for the summary)

In the anime, there’s a bar that symbols purgatory, run by arbiter who judge souls after death. They can either be reincarnated or sent to the void. Eventually, a black haired girl shows up, and is taken under the wing of Decim, the arbiter of the Quindecim bar. The problem? Decim gains emotions, the one rule Arbiters must not break.

Moonglade DEMO Bold

Psychological thriller

Moonglade DEMO Bold

In Death Parade, there is one season containing twelve episodes.

Moonglade DEMO Bold

In each thread of the featured anime, you are allowed to discuss:

  • Characters
  • Series length
  • If there is another movie/new season coming out
  • Your thoughts on it if you have already watched/how it made you feel

In each thread of the featured anime, you are not allowed to discuss:

  • Spoiler scenes that happen in the anime (deaths, plot twists, anything that will not require the watcher to just figure out themselves)

Moonglade DEMO Bold

The general rules are simple. These threads must be used and abide to the forum guidelines, which you can check out here!

Moonglade DEMO Bold

Here in this series, the users do have a say in what anime is featured in a certain week! If you would like to see an anime featured, fill out this form below!

If I don’t have an idea for an anime to feature, I will be taking responses that are submitted! Your favorite anime has a chance to be featured! Don’t miss out on seeing the day!

Moonglade DEMO Bold


Moonglade DEMO Bold



Ahhh, the opening is so goodddd~

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Coming back to this, the entire anime is just…ahhhh. Jamie Marchi, Todd Haberkorn and Alexis Tipton voice characters in it. Jamie’s character is actually one of the main characters.

The Op is so fun!