DEBATE: Is Homework Necessary?

Nah, I don’t see a point in it.


I mean I got through high school without doing most of my homework. I just did the things I knew would get checked. I tried doing everything the first year, but it stressed me out so much so after a few months I basically stopped. As long as you pay attention in class and really ask questions if you don’t understand something it should work… I personally like it better when you just have some assignments in class which you can work on together and with help from a teacher if needed. I learned way more that was than through the homework I did :grimacing:


It shouldn’t impact ya grade or be necessary! :pleading_face:

I think it should be optional and the kids who do it (me) can receive extra credit and the kids who don’t don’t get penalized for it! :eyes:


I don’t think homework should be eliminated completely ---- just optional. :relaxed:


I think that homework shouldn’t be necessary, I think that it can serve a good purpose, but it’s way too overused. I think I’d benefit more from being given more time to actually do more with my time than just worry about school.


I think homework is necessary, as it helps you review the information you learnt in class. There should be less useless, repetitive homework, more useful homework. :white_heart:


No. Homework creates more problems than it does good. Picture this, you get home late from a really hard day of school and other activities. You just wanna go to bed, but you can’t you have homework.

You try and complete your homework, but you have no idea what your doing. No one in your family can help you, and the YouTube videos are even more confusing. You stare at your paper for hours, and in the end just scribble something down. You look at the clook, school starts in four hours. But you have to “wake up” in two.

You try to go to sleep, but your mind just refuses to turn off. Finally you relax and drift off to sleep. Only to be awaken ten minutes later by your alarm clock. You press snooze, repeatedly. Only to have a parent come in your room and scream at you for being lazy. Strike one.

You begrudgingly get up, and get ready for school. Since you slept in you didn’t have time for breakfast, so now you have to wait until lunch. Which you don’t realize you’ve left until your outside of the school. You can’t go back, and you didn’t bring any money. Strike two.

You walk to class, your clothes are messy from the rush. You sit at your desk, exhausted from the night you’ve had. You put your head down to try and gain some energy before the start of class. Your teacher comes in, and notices you straight away. She walks over to your desk, and calls you out in front of everyone. Your embarrassed.

She asks for everyone to pass their homework toward the front You try your best to pay attention to your work, but you can’t help but dose off. Your teacher calls your name. But your too preoccupied with stays awake that you don’t notice. She gets frustrated, and yells go you to come to her desk. You shuffle towards her, eyelids heavy as she chastises you for not paying attention and for doing such a lousy job on your homework. You belittles you for not even trying. Strike three.

You scream at your teacher, explaining the terrible night you had. The class is disturbed all eyes on you. The teacher in an attempt to gain control of the situation sends you to the principals office. The day hasn’t even started, but because of the homework you were given last night it is already ruin.

Children already have busy schedules, homework just adds more stress to the mix.


I fixed all the mistakes :sweat_smile:

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Okay, yes, if their schedule is busy this is definitely the case. But some schools have shorter days. :woman_shrugging:t2: I can see how schools can set aside time for “homework” in school instead. Some have mentioned the benefits of being able to get help from teachers and friends that way. I don’t think all homework is bad but I don’t think homework is necessary. If I got to choose I would rather do homework work at home because I can’t concentrate in school but I know that it’s the opposite for others. :dizzy:


See it’s the exact opposite for me. No matter how hard I try I can’t concentrate at home. :sob:


Aw… I think there should be an option to choose.

I get too distracted with by my friends in school. :sweat_smile:


I’ve always done homework with my friends when at school!


I’ve always talked to my friends in school LOL


Clearly you should work together to solve math and not some convoluted drawing generators

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My friends didn’t like to study :rofl:

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You need more studious friends :rofl:

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I went to an elementary school that didn’t have any homework, or really any required classes. We could completely choose whether we wanted to go to class or not and a lot of us just played the entire day. The purpose of the school was to learn through playing. We had classes but we could sign up for them.
So, as a person who has been to a school like that AND schools that give homework, I have to say that while I think homework is extremely annoying I have learned more when I have gotten assignments. I don’t think a teacher should assign a ridiculous amount of homework, but like, if someone isn’t paying attention in class or something, it’s a good way to make sure that student gets the material from the class that they need.
Our Spanish class this year did this really well! Our only assignments near the end of this year were to meet up with another classmate and go over this slideshow and learn/figure it out together and it prepared us for our next class or our next session where we would be using new Spanish concepts or words. It was really light and sometimes even fun.
So I don’t know if it is necessary but it can be incredibly useful and be used in a great way.

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In our country’s education system, I’d say that homework is necessary because it helps students review their lessons at home. They do say that you can absorb information better when you write it down, which is why homework should be a written activity.

However, in giving homework, I think it’s important for teachers to first consider whether the homework they’re giving out is relevant to the students’ learning or not. I know some teachers who give out unnecessary homework just for the sake of having numerical data needed to compute for grades. If teachers are going to give out homework, then they should still make it worthwhile and relevant to the students’ learning. Otherwise, it’s actually pointless.

So yeah, I believe that homework is still necessary as long as it’s relevant to the students’ learning. On the other hand, I also think that teachers shouldn’t give out a lot of homework to their students especially during weekends. It can be difficult for students to balance their time, and giving out a lot of unnecessary homework won’t help them.


Oh yeah also, a point I might add, for some classes there just isn’t enough time in class to cover the material so you have to give out homework- for some classes like literature where there’s reading to do, so you have time to come to class and talk about what you read. So I’d say in those instances homework is necessary.


i don’t think homework should really be used to teach people the material, it kind of defeats the point of class