Describe a paradise in a few sentences

Let’s practice our writing skills! Describe a fictional paradise in 2-5 sentences :smiley_cat:


A sun warm enough to fill you with joy, but a breeze cool enough to keep you fresh. Air so clear you can see everything, you can feel everything. A place so…perfect, you could fall to the floor and feel no pain.


You can sit on trees and enjoy the view or lie in the grass and watch the clouds. Nobody will bother you if you don’t want them to. But the best of all? There’s a river of chocolate, an endless supply of chocolate.

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The sun beaming on your tanned skin as you sit down represents what paradise is all about. You may grab a sparkling water or a fruit juice as you hop in the pool in your cute bikini. There is no one else around you, just you, the pool, and infinite food. There is all types of snacks and meals waiting for you.


I’m bad at describing stuff so this was super difficult for me and I know I should work on it more :sweat_smile:

@Writers This might be good practice for you!

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Your nice, yet cozy, studio apartment is on one of the top floors. The rain splashes down outside your house as you type away on the computer. The fairy lights that you’ve set up all around add to the night atmosphere. You hear the kettle go off, get your tea, and continue relaxing away.

I don’t know why, but this would be my perfect paradise.

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A secluded beach that’s untouched by man. Only me and my close friends know about it. The water is warm, clear , and brimming with life. The sand is soft and not too hot. Its a special place where I can escape it all.


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