Dialogue Limitations in RPs

So roleplaying is obviously amazing as you get to write with loads of amazing and talented people, which can help you improve your own writing a lot! But, writing with other people can also have limitations to how characters interact with each other. What do you think are some dialogue limitations in RPs?

My answers would be:

  1. Interrupts. I think it’s really hard to have a character interrupt the other since the ‘interrupted’ character in the situation would have already had their speech written, and in the post, they have no interruption, and so haven’t been able to react to the interrupt that happens.
  2. ‘Quick interaction’. Whether it’s something like single words exchanged or even just glances exchanged down corridors, it’s quite hard to have subtle communications, as in roleplays, you generally just have long conversations that move between character to character.

Are there any other limitations?


At first glance, it can be hard to think of limitations to your character’s dialogue, but after a while you can think of quite a few.

Just a few short words or sentences can be difficult when RPing, and interruptions can cause problems and limit dialogue as Ella said.
Other limitations I can think of are the characters’ relationships with each other, any secrets, and overall the characters’ personalities. Just how a character typically acts can limit what they may say and do. If a character has a secret that is relevant, that can limit what they can say for risk of their secret being exposed. The relationship between the characters interacting can significantly impact dialogue. If they hate each other, they’re going to be more negative, and if they don’t know each other they cant have deep conversations.

What do you think @RPers?


Sometimes continuations on something while the other person is already moved on.
for example:

I nodded. “Yes but that’s what most would say” I said before looking at the clock. “Oh but I have to go, talk to you later”

This is an extreme example but sometimes it’s also that the conversation isn’t even done and someone moves on already and you do reply to it, but you will never get a response to it.

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I also think that plotting is way frickin harder here cos rps tend to have a “plot” that they have to carry out like a book even though rping is HEAVILY improv. You have to get people on your side about how you’re steering the conversation

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Love this! Here’s a few other limitations I tend to notice whilst RPing:

  • Friendships.

In retrospect, this doesn’t seem like a limitation but conversing with people is easier than establishing outright friendships between characters. Most move on far too quickly before the character plot can grow or they get attached to another character and close off any more opportunities for friendships.

  • Fights.

Whilst this is something that happens quite often in RP’s fight as a whole are difficult, And most tend not to plan/plot for one. On-top of the struggle between determining who wins or if you can equally distribute fairness in the fight.

Wonderful Topic! RP Limitations can be difficult but with a bit of planning or compromise it can be overcome in the long run~ :heart:


Added the #opinion tag!

I think personality is really one big limitation, and it sometimes, if not often or always, really keeps you from a good interaction. I have one character whose dialogue choices are limited and it’s hard because it sometimes makes interactions uninteresting.

Just adding a tag

I think also the relationship between the characters? Any connections would really affect the character’s dialogue for another character. So like for example, your character is the best friend of another character, so it’s only natural that they feel more free and the dialogues can sometimes be limitless.

I think what can cause limitations can be a lack of information or actions. if the person only responds to your dialogue and actions, then it’s very one-sided and you have to think of the actions all by yourself all the time, this can get tiring and make a conversation lose energy and fun.

@RPers, what do you guys think?

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