Did you ever make drastic changes to your story idea?

I never really changed much about my story ideas, maybe some basic things like names and that stuff, but the ideas stayed the same. If I want to make drastic changes, I just start a completely new story :smile_cat:

What about everyone else? Did you ever make drastic changes to your story idea?

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I’ve been writing one of my stories for around 11-12 years now and keep restarting it because I’m never happy with it. It’s barely recognisable from the original :joy:

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Yes, it has actually happened to me twice. I abandoned one of the stories, and the other one has gone through a lot of changes but I don’t know which one to keep. :roll_eyes:

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I’ve been working on the same (more or less) 10 WIPs for the last 7 years, and I’ve changed all of them drastically many times!

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@Writers tell us about any drastic changes you’ve made to your story ideas! :smiley_cat:


yeah, my story was supposed to be totally different but I changed like half the entire storyline so instead of drama-action gang that helps people it became a fantasy story…

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Yep, I went from a story about different types of werewolves all the way to shapeshifters, dragons, werewolves, other creatures in the story.

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It generally doesn’t happen with me. When I feel the story stopped working, I simply stop writing it =.=;


yes I do, especially when I feel like this story isn’t going to fit me nor my audience. I don’t want to waste a story idea and I end up changing some of them for the sake of my life-

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Yup, at the time when I used to write on episode, I always found myself tweaking my story frequently because of the ideas that flowed through my mind constantly.
Now that I don’t write on the app any more, I don’t have any ideas for story related things.

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Actually, it happened recently.
At first, I wanted to write a sequel to Miss Understood, but I liked the new characters more interesting, so I made a new story with them instead.

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