Did you ever read a book just because all of your friends read it?

None of my friends read-


Lol I don’t have friends who read… let alone friends.

Jk, I do, but no, lol, I don’t read books because my friends do. It has to feel appealing to me for me to read, yk, the book.

What about any other of you @Bookworms ?

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I prefer to read the books I want and not feel sorta pressured to read ones that friends have read already.

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Not necessarily all my friends, but a girl I had a crush on is super into reading as well and we talked about books and she recommended some that I ended up reading pretty quickly after. But in general, almost none of my friends are actually into reading so, never had that peer pressure of “oh, all my friends read it so I have to as well”

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Fixed a tag and emojis!

Not friends so much. I do read suggestions from my mum though.

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