Did you ever read a book just because all of your friends read it?

I probably would have never read the Hunger Games series if my all friends hadn’t read it. It was peer pressure that made me read it :smile_cat: I’m glad I read it, though.

Did you ever read a book just because all of your friends read it?
Did you enjoy reading it or not?

My friends don’t read, as sad as it sounds so no. I did buy this one book a long time ago just because everyone else was reading it and it was quite popular here. But I think I actually wanted to read it because I thought it would be good and that’s why it was popular.

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I force my friends to read books I like

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yes, the hunger games was a snooze fest IM SORRY I DONT LIKE IT
from the moment they said katniss was black i was like this dont add up and left

(i watched the movie first, malamente)

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wonder how it feels like

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Oh, I did worse: I read books because everyone on the internet read them :sweat_smile: I considered it research which would help me understand both fads and other people better. I enjoyed some of them, didn’t enjoy others very much.

I enjoyed Twilight and found it helped me expand my horizons. I wasn’t fond of Hunger Games and The Mortal Instruments. Also, Harry Potter. I only read it as an adult and found it… Quite disturbing, to be honest.

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I sometimes do because if they find a book interesting, i would want to read it too

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Hey @Bookworms, did you ever read a book just because all of your friends read it? :thinking:


Yes. Peer pressure :shushing_face:


Nope. Never have. Others reading it usually puts me off a book. HA.


no haha
but me and my friends were all reading Deltora quest and later we roleplayed it in the forest near my house. (We just pretended to be them, but now that I’m actually roleplaying, I realized I used to do it a lot as a kid)


OMG! That’s sooo cute. I love that.


It was my jam, just playing in fields and stuff.


I did a similar thing but with a kids’ TV show sketch. HAHAHA


I did with books, tv shows, everything.
Mario, Sonic, Deltora, Avatar, etc.


I don’t know that I did with any books.


Yup (didn’t want to be left out)

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No I haven’t. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: If I want to read the book, I’ll read it on my own timing.

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Maybe Twilight (I can’t remember). I can’t think of any others.

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Wait wha-

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