Difficult foods to eat with braces

There are some difficult foods to eat with braces, If you ever had or have them you would know that! You shouldn’t really eat peanuts or chew gum but I always did that. It was really difficult eating peanuts but there was no way I could give that up for 2 years!! It was also very difficult eating corn and popcorn!


Gummy bears, you can’t eat them. :pleading_face:

And popcorn…

Never had braces but my friend who had braces used to complain a lot about crisps and popcorn
Which is sad-

Not many people answered that where are you guys🤔 @Foodies

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Never had braces either

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Ribs and chicken wings. It’s not hard to bite into per say, but it gets stuck in the braces and it’s just annoying.

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When I had braces I didn’t care what I was and wasn’t supposed to eat because I ate it anyway :slightly_smiling_face: My wire only broke two times and yk yolo so I regret nothing :relieved: now I have straight teeth LMAO

Popcorn and gum :crying_cat_face:

Omg I haven’t broken a wire yet!!
I’ve popped off brackets tho :joy::sweat_smile:

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um chile anyways so-
When your wire breaks get ready to have it poke ur cheek and bleed until it’s fixed :star_struck: I swear it’s the most fun thing ever like frfr :slightly_smiling_face:

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