Dinner Party Outfit Contest

Hey guys! It’s time for another outfit contest. Yesterday’s Episode art release was [Limelight] Dinner Party, which gave us cute new hairstyles and some new clothes!

As per usual, you have until Wednesday to join this competition. This week, you have to use one of the new hairstyles plus one of the wishlist items. You can only use one image, and use the outfits and the image to create a scene/story behind it.

The winner is decided by a community vote, and the winner gets their outfit featured on the forums instagram account plus bragging rights for a week! :grin: :rainbow: :unicorn:

Enjoy the contest, and happy designing! :rainbow: :unicorn:

@OutfitContest - join this tag to be notified about future contests


If you would like to be reminded to join, when would you like to be reminded?

  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday

0 voters

Saturday Reminders

@passionfruit @Divcp

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I know the outfit wasn’t from this release, but this release was mostly hair and animations, so I hope it’s okay that I only used the new hair and not a new outfit.

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Monday Reminder


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@OutfitContest - Final reminder! The poll will go up either tonight or tomorrow morning!

@oUtFiTcOnTeSt join?

@OutfitContest - time to vote! The poll will stay open until this time tomorrow!

0 voters

The winner is…



@OutfitContest - Since there wasn’t an update, there won’t be a contest this week. Stay tuned for next week’s contest!


Closed as the winner has been declared