Hi there! Black Friday is coming up really soon. I find it an interesting subject to discuss about. However I personally don’t know much about it, since it’s a relatively new thing in the Netherlands. I am not sure what I think about if I am honest. I feel like a lot of websites just try to make things look better than they actually are I just find it weird it became more like Black Week than Black Friday, I mean there are companies that are gonna start with it Monday
So what do you guys think about it? Do you like it or think it’s just a comercial strategy basically?
It’s great when you can get good deals on things that you wouldn’t be able to afford, and strategically placed just before all the Christmas prices go up.
I actually don’t know how it is here in Germany since we never pay attention to such things in my family
But someone once told me that most of the sales are fake
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In Mexico, we have something called El Buen Fin (it lasts four days, from Friday to Monday), and it was last weekend. It’s usually around November 19th. I think it’s great when you want to buy something relatively expensive for a lower price, but it does get pretty crowded and there’s always lots of traffic those days. I bought my laptop last weekend for an excellent price, but the mall so crowded that we almost didn’t find a table in the food court, and we were stuck in traffic on our way there.
I think it’s gotten out of control in the US and personally boycott it.
For example, now stores open for Black Friday at 5 pm on Thursday (Thanksgiving Day, a national holiday) and stay open until closing on Friday night.
I get that it can be a good deal, but I feel bad for retail workers who have to leave their friends and family during the holiday and I’m not sure if they even are paid more and I know customers are crazier these days…
Also, people just buy things they don’t really need just because it’s a deal.