Discussion: brexit

So, I just read an article saying there is a principle agreement on the brexit.

Right now every EU country has to agree on it and the British Parlament has to have a vote as well.

Honestly after all the things that happened in the past I am not confident it will go well this time but I guess we will have to see!

I am looking forward to hearing opinions on there being an agreement and also brexit in general is okay to debate about as long as it stays respectful like usual!


As far as I know there’s already a country that disagreed :thinking:


Not as far as I know, but the North Irish party (DUB) already said they aren’t gonna agree with it and they were needed for to get the majority in the British Parlament. I personally don’t see a huge chance this will succeed tbh :grimacing:
It makes me worried there will be a brexit without any deal and that would mean chaos, not only for the UK, but for Europe and the rest of the world as well…


I am just gonna give my extremely blunt opinion on brexit in general, it’s stupid. If mainly has negative consequences for the UK so it really doesn’t make any sense to me as why there were even people wanting a brexit in first place, all it does is creating chaos. Sure maybe if you negotiate really well you can more or less still have advantages of trade with the EU without following all the rules of Brussel. But do you think that European countries are so stupid to let you go and give you advantages so the UK has a better position than EU countries? And besides that, let’s face facts, without the EU the UK is nothing and it’s trade worth would decrease a lot. It must have been known beforehand that this would have a major impact and definitely wouldn’t go easy at all. I think it’s almost populism, use what people want to gain votes but when it’s up to you you’ll not be able to keep promises.
Lol, I have never written something like this as in giving such a strong opinion on something so I am prepared to have to defend my opinion a lot :grimacing:


Hopefully Scotland just yeets outta there


I’m out of here!


EU was a mistake in the first place. UK will be fine either way. Smaller countries like mine are gonna be fu*ked when it collapses ^^


I still think that the brexit is one of those things that are used to distract people from the real problems in this world and to show the people that the politicians actually do something and don’t only sit around and talk. But I’m still young and I know nothing about politics, so that’s just my opinion :eyes::sparkles:

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Brexit is a waste of money and plane flights, not to mention time. My dad is worried that our family business Will collapse when we leave especially without a deal because this deal Boris made means that we have no way of getting money but he still titles it as “the deal for everybody”
It’s all fcuking bullsh’it if you ask me. I want independence for Scotland but the UK parliament won’t let Nicola Sturgeon have another independence vote because they know that this time the 2% difference won’t be there and they will no longer control Scotland so will be much weaker.

Art least I know that I can yeet outta here when the bombs drop cause I’m half kiwi so I don’t need a visa or sh’t to go live in New Zealand

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Added tag discussion!

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Added politics tag :grin:

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Honestly, I just wish we remained. Eh, but what’s done is done, idk what Scotland will do now, I still want independence for us after all this

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Bump because we’re probably not leaving tomorrow :joy:

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Bump, I’m gonna use this as a place to say

Remember to register to vote if you are able to!


So many people have been getting Irish passports so that they can yeet themselves onto a plane :joy:

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Aged beautifully :yellow_heart:

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I’m actually scared for Britain but I also don’t care. :stuck_out_tongue: :purple_heart: :butterfly:

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Pretty scary to think about the fact Brexit will actually happen soon? What do you guys think the consequences will be?

The country will crumble

That’s pretty dramatic but I just don’t think it’s a good idea at all