Discussion: Chairs

Sitting on the table gets boring.

Here are some questions:

  • How do you like your chairs? (Big, small, soft, hard)
  • Do you like sitting in a chair someone else has sat on?
  • What’s your favourite activity to do on your chair?
  • What’s your least favourite type of chair?

I’ve been sitting on an uncomfortable chair for the past few hours. :rofl::white_heart:


I like em tal and soft! Padded with all the comfy pillows and such :joy:

Weirdly, in some circumstances, yes. :rofl: :sweat_smile: unless its far too gone from fart world and otherworldy fear. But I like the warmth it gives, honestly.

Do one of the most lamest position, read a book, and… sitting.

You know the wooden armchairs? From school? I HATE the ridges cuz my butt feels stabbed, like i’m sitting in air and on land. I really don’t like the hard ones since it kinda hurts for long periods of time, short ones… well, I’m old and it feels uncomfortable squatting and bending for hours and even minutes.


Forget chairs. Why use them when you could be sitting on a sofa? :sunglasses:


Big and soft! Like my gaming chair \o/

Depends on who :eyes:

Gaming/Drawing/Writing \o/

Backless office chairs. They s u c k


Big soft chairs are eyemazing, but I’m fine with any chair :eyes::sparkles::smiley_cat:

Not really, the warmth just feels weird :sweat_smile::eyes::sparkles:

Sit in weird positions, read books or just do nothing :eyes::sparkles:

The ones in school that always tear out my long hair :sweat_smile: :eyes::sparkles:


But to answer your questions, I like big chairs with one cushion o that I can curl up on them.

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Big and soft

I don’t mind as long as they were wearing clothes

Sit with my legs over the arm of the chair and listen to music

A stool


I like eating chairs. :purple_heart: :butterfly:

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:drooling_face: :purple_heart: :butterfly:

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Spinning computer chairs >>>

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Sitting on big comfy chairs naked but wrapped in a blanket, watching netflix :smirk::drooling_face::wolf::revolving_hearts:

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Hmm depends on the situation , if it’s to relax . I prefer to have a big soft chair , but if I have to work I’d rather have a hard chair. Because it’s better for my posture.

No, not at all.


Those iron bar stools without a back you can lean against.

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The best kind of chair is a squishy spinning one.


I love soft chairs.




I love those chairs which are legit like a super comfy cocoon :grinning::heart_eyes:

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I need them ergonomic designs for no back pain. :pensive::hibiscus:

Ergonomic Chair


How do you like your chairs? (Big, small, soft, hard)
Soft :pleading_face:
Do you like sitting in a chair someone else has sat on?
Hmm… I guess what I don’t know never hurts anyone :wink:
What’s your favourite activity to do on your chair?
…Sit? :eyes:
What’s your least favourite type of chair?
Uncomfortable chairs :eyes:

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Are the chairs at your home comfy? :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

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Most of them :eyes::+1::rose::two_hearts: