Discussion: Concerts

Before covid I was dying to go to a concert, any concert, for any band I like because shock horror, I haven’t actually been to one yet. (Well technically that isn’t true I’ve been to places where music is being performed live but it wasn’t music I cared about in particular).

After covid I would love to go to one!

In the meantime bands are doing livestream concerts, I don’t care about the fact they are charging, the bands I like aren’t millionaires and they lost a bunch of income this year from not being able to tour. So take it, take all my money. I do think they could allow people to keep the recording of the concert but apparently streaming sites are being picky with that :upside_down_face:.

So what do you guys think of concerts?


I actually have never been to a concert before, I have always wanted to because they seem so fun, whenever I watch it, I usually have a mini concert in my living room :joy:

Although, my mom really wants me to go to concerts because she said, that’s what teenagers are meant to do and have fun. So, I hope next year after the covid, I go to either Billie or Justin’s concert. Omg that would make my whole year

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I love concerts!!! I’ve actually seen a lot of famous musicians because there is a festival in my town every July!
I was supposed to go to 5SOS and ATL concert in May but corona :pleading_face:

I went to my first ever concert for my birthday in March and it was so awesome!! I really hate standing in large crowds being surrounded by many people and I hate standing for long periods of time, but I didn’t mind doing so this time because I was really enjoying myself. I’d definitely like to go and experience more concerts!


Ive never been to a concert, but I don’t really have much of a desire to go to any concert anyway. I don’t like being around lots of people, and I prefer being able to listen to the music I like just in the comfort of my own space.

Concerts are rad :star_struck: But my anxiety doesn’t let me go into spaces that have been filled with so many people :sob:

Ah I miss concerts so much…

I’ve never been to a concert but I hope I get to go to many in the future. I’ve always thought it would be fun and new, and I like new! And seeing my favorite bands and artists live would be fascinating.

I miss concerts so much. Once we’re allowed to have them again, I’m definitely going to get tickets to the first one that I can

I haven’t been to a concert in years! Now, I lowkey want to go to one, but concerts are usually too crowded and too expensive. :sob:

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