Hello, everyone.
Last Saturday, I read on the weekend newspaper and came across an article saying that they are doing a campaign against Lashon hara (in my country). And of course, a few famous people are participating on it.
So, my question is: what does lashon ha’ra mean to you?
To me, *lashon ha’ra means talking down of someone in order to hurt his name and dignity. And it can also mean judging somebody without even knowing him. Like, don’t you have anything better to do than talking down on someone else?
Even though we live in 2019, people are still forgetting that words have such tremendous power and weight. They can strenghten and caress us, but can also stab and hurt us so deeply. They can be even more hurtful than a punch. Yeah, it’s everywhere, unfortunately.
If lashon hara is something so easy for you, then why not doing it isn’t an easy thing for you to do? Isn’t it better if we behave otherwise? Or at least try to behave otherwise?
I’ll be completely honest with you - even though people tell me that I am different from those who gossip and defame others behind their backs, I DON’T feel any different from a person who does it, which makes me feel like a horrible and bad person, 'cause maybe I just hurt someone else’s dignity and good name behind his back without being aware of it, even if I’d consider myself as someone who always thinks before saying something. All I can do is trying my best to be a better person than yesterday. But I am not better than anyone else, nor have I ever thought that I am better than somebody else.
All what you have is your speech, and the way you are speaking is that what you are. That’s right. No one has control on your mouth and anything that comes out of it, but I’d suggest think not twice, but 1000 times before saying or writing anything bad about others.
I don’t know what about you, but:
Transliteration: Lashon Ha’ra lo medaber elai!
It means “lashon hara (or defamation) doesn’t speak to me”. And it doesn’t in any way. All I am saying is, shaming belongs to garbage and let’s all exchange lashon hara for lashon ha’tov. Totally better that way. We all can do much better.
*Lashon hara literally means “evil tongue” in Hebrew, but it is best translated as “defamation”.
So what are you saying?
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