Discussion: Democracy

I’ve got a simple question that many people have very varying opinions on:

Is democracy the best form of government?

There are different forms of government, but somehow democracy gets advertised as the best form right now, so I’m interested in what you think about it!


Ehhhhh it’s pretty okay, much better than other forms (monarchy, communist) but democracy has a bunch of holes. It can be easily manipulated and faked (like Trump’s election. Russia why TvT)

Theoretically, communisim would be the best of governments, it’s technically a utopia in a way but it has too many holes, too many greedy leaders and rulers.




Technically democracy is supposed to be good
But with people nowadays democracy honestly became a stupid thing,
Trump again for example.
I used to believe in democracy, it also really depends on the country but I’m starting to think other ways can be better (not dictatorship tho)


Also the prime minister in my country has been chosen like 4 times in a row even tho he’s proven to be corrupt and he’s basically done nothing good but people keep worshiping him like idiots


I believe that democracy is the best form of government we have ever had. That doesn’t mean that I think it’s good tough. It has still so many flaws like who checks if everything is really what the people had chosen? Like for example when we need a new prime minister. I sometimes doubt that my country still chooses the same prime minister even tough they know that he isn’t that good. Also the people who you get to choose from are not the best people either and we all know it.


I believe the problem comes from the concept that modern societies have of Democracy. We say that is it is the best form because it is what has lead to the modern world, our way (in the west specifically) of Representational Democracy.

But at the same time it seems that no-one can figure out the best way to decide on the representation which means you usually end up with a “Minority” rule. This is where the smaller portion of the population voting results in the winning parties. This mainly due to how weight is applied to votes.

Another problem that has been created is the idea that its a popularity contest which means many politicians just say what they need to get in power and then don’t actually take action on the promises they made. Ironically the worst part of this is that many politicians promise EXTREME action that they have no intention of carrying out, but because they stood on that platform the people who are that way inclined and agree with the point believe they are now justified in auctioning that promise.

The final problem with Democracy is the never ending need for balance checks. Every decision requires a committee, then a committee to over see that committee, a committee to review the decisions of that committee and an investigation into why that committee did X. The never-ending bureaucracy is in itself an argument for dictatorships, as at least they actually get things done…

The ideal would probably be some kind of Direct Democracy where every single decision is put to the entire population, but this is completely impractical in all honesty.

There is also the case that most Democracies in history have eventually devolved into Dictatorships as one person rises to complete power, then uses the power of the office to remove the requirement for the democratic process all the while preaching about how it is to “protect the people” or how they will let go of power once the “enemy” has been dealt with.

Humans by nature are selfish and tribalistic creatures. There is no political system that really works once reality is applied and the scale of human civilisation is taken into account.


Added opinion tag

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