Discussion: Divorce

So a while ago I was having a conversation with a guy at work, and he started ranting about marriage life and how he isn’t happy (and apparently claims that no man is happy in a marriage but okay) so I asked him a simple question, why don’t you get divorced?

Which lead to this thread right now. I want to see what other people think about the topic of divorce.
Considering pretty much 1 out of 3 or 4 married couples get a divorce, and yet many people don’t even though they want to. So it’s definitely something worth discussing.

  • What’s your general opinion about divorce?
  • Is staying together unhappy for the kids a good enough reason not to get divorced?
  • If you were unhappy in a marriage, would you get divorced?
  • What would have happened if getting divorced was illegal nowadays?



It should be legal. But the kids’ (if any) opinions and feelings should also be taken into consideration as they are innocent in all of this :eyes:


Pretty neutral :thinking: I think it’s healthy in some cases especially if the couple is better off separated than together. I do believe it should definitely be legal

Honestly, it really depends on the situation and how the kids feel. I definitely there should be transparency within the family so the kids are informed about their parents’ sentiments

Definitely. I’m not staying together with someone if I’m unhappy with them :grinning:

Uuhhh, I mean separation is a thing :thinking: where the two spouses live separately but remain legally married


Even with kids, it’s not good to stay in a marriage if the two people aren’t happy. Yes the kids life will be changed but it’s not their fault and it’s both of the parents job to make them realize that.

If the relationship is not healthy or you aren’t happy then divorcing! It’s your choice. And the whole “think of the children before divorcing” is kinda toxic because if the two people who are unhappy together continue being together. They might start fights where the children are and the children will have to see their parents fighting and hitting each other. So the best decision is to divorce.

Nope! because it will just cause a bigger drift to the family.But I do think we should also sometimes consider the children’s feelings.

Definitely! If I can’t see it in myself to love my partner anymore I would get a divorce- better than pretend to be a lovely, happy couple while secretly suffering in front of the kids.

Murder :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck: jkk

I will just live away from them.

fine just if u want kids wait to get married cos u have to b sure for another persons sake

no, its quite counterintuitive

hope that never happens, but i’d try and fix it b4 leaving

more um… murdering of spouses

njk njk :star_struck:

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It’s sad that we need to have it. If you’re not getting married to the love of your life, what’s the point? I don’t judge people that get divorced, though- my dad got divorced because he was too young to get married. Besides, he ended up with my mom after, so… all’s well that ends well?

I’d say it depends on how old they are, but in general, no. It’s only going to stress them out and confuse them.

I’d try not to be in an unhappy marriage in the first place.

Probably a lot more cases of people killing their spouses. You jest, but look what happened back when it was illegal. Hell, King Henry VIII made a whole new religion just so he could get divorced. Dedication, man.


This is pretty much a sensitive subject. I remember I used to get told off for saying “they’re divorced” when I was talking about a certain couple, so I just have to put it lightly saying “they’re not together anymore”. But anyway, I am not too sure about this because I’m still a spinsterette (unmarried young woman).

That’s a very hard question

Of course I would.

Take over the government and legalise it


Sometimes it has to be done.

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Is getting divorced in your country illegal then? Because besides the Philippines and Vatican city divorce is pretty much legal everywhere.




I’m pretty neutral on it. A lot of my friends parents have been divorced as well as my own parents.

Eh depends on the situation, but I would mostly say no. It would only worsen the family dynamic and the child/childeren might end up feeling guilty for their parents’ unhappiness.

Yes, I would. Though then again I’m not that keen to ever get married in the first place. The only benefits I can see with marriage are the legal benefits like taxes, but besides that, it’s kind of uneeded. You can just stay together forever without having to spend thousands on an expensive ring.

There would be a lot more domestic violence and cheating.


Also in my experience the main reason why some of my friends parents, don’t get divorced .Even though they are unhappy usually has to do with financial reasons. Divorce can be expensive and can take months or in most cases years to finally settle. Also if you live in a very traditional household where one is the breadwinner and the other the caretaker. It’s going to be very hard for the caretaker to find a new job again with a decent pay.


It’s legal but sadly, my country is not that friendly when it comes to divorce.

Divorcees are often looked down in our society and a divorce case takes pretty long to take place, perhaps around 8-11 months. It’s messed up.


It’s really their choice and none of my business if it was someone else, but it’s essential if it’s a unhealthy relationship

No! They deserve to be happy

Yes after 2 years of building up courage

That would suck. I just wouldn’t want to get married.

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I know a lot of asian cultures tend to shame on the idea of divorce, which is why divorce rates tend to be lower in some asian countries, but that idea is just absurd. You shouldn’t stay in a marriage for the rest if your life if you’re unhappy. If someone wants to leave even if the reason isn’t as strong, they have every right to because even if they’re married – no matter how long they’ve been in the marriage for, they are their own person and nobody can control that.

It has good intensions but it’s not right. Divorces aren’t just hard on the children; it’s hard on the parents, too. It can be hard emotionally, mentally, physically, and financially. The parent does owe the child a happy childhood and life, but they also need to think about themselves too. The parents can be able to manage something for the child so that it’s not as hard for them.

Yes! Well – i’m nto sure what I’d do because I don’t know how it feels to be in a marriage, but I’m sure I’d divorce if I wasn’t happy. First, I’d try to make the marriage work, but if there are enough failed attempts then I’d result to a divorce.

Oh this would be SO bad. There are a lot of marriages where the parent abuses the child or the parent abuses their spouse. There’s a lot of toxic marriages that need a divorce. If divorces were illegal, the rise in domestic abuse and violence would rise by a lot

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I dont think ppl should just jump into marriages and I prob wont get married so prob wont get divorced however I would if I was unhappy.

I do not think parents should stay together for the kids AT ALL.
Parents deserve happiness and kids deserve parents who don’t deal with people who don’t make them happy. What kind of role model is that?

I’m very thankful my parents got divorced. I never knew they didn’t get along because it was earlier in my life, but my mom is so happy with my step dad. My dad was also happy with my step mom, and I am happy to have those two people in my life.

Parents don’t have to be together to take care of their children.

I don’t think it’s inherently a bad thing. If the couple are bad for each other and they just wanna be apart then it’d be worse for them to pretend everything is okay.

No, your absolute joke of a marriage can just harm your kids in the long term

It wouldn’t be my first port of call but if nothing else worked then yes

I don’t think people would wanna get married as much since it’d be pretty final
But if marriage just became a social thing instead of having certificates and stuff
People could still break up

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