Discussion - Double Standards

I noticed there is no thread for double standards so I figured I would start one! For those who don’t know a double standard is when someone is treated differently than someone else in the same situation. The most commonly discussed form of double standards is women and men. But there are also other forms of double standards.

So my question is are we for or against double standards, what are some examples of double standards.


Double standards are the worst… Yeah men and women in a lot of different ways (in some cases, like small family court, men are disadvantaged too because of the societal double standards).

I’m sick of it personally. It sucks even on a smaller scale when it’s one person too, its annoying


Double standards really takes the cake. Especially when it involves favouritism in certain situations.

It’s annoying as hell when people tell us to ‘respect your elders’ and when we defend ourselves from them, we get hell for no freaking reason. I’m sorry but just because you’re older than me doesn’t give you the right to treat me like trash. Respect is a two-way system!


For me, the men and women issues in court are pretty consistently misogynistic. I’m not sure if i believe it’s a double standard. I just think people see women as weak nurturers. They have to always be the victim and they always have to care for the kids too. Sexism :roll_eyes:


I hate when we are expected to be okay with something by someone who himself won’t be okay with it if the same thing happened to them.


I hate double standards so much, especially because I experience it nearly everyday.


Double standards are just the worst. I hold everybody to the same standards there are no exceptions.


I’m gonna bump because double standards suck.

The worst one for me is with police brutality. Take Freddie Gray. When he died, there were so many journalists saying that he was “no angel” as if that’s a reason to justify killing him in the back of the police gun for being in possession of a knife. People say “well, he shouldn’t have broken the law, then”.

Massive double standard. They expect him to uphold the law, but it’s ok when the police break it? The punishment for carrying a knife isn’t to be beaten to death. It’s to get the due process – go to court – and then get a sentence a fine, community service, time in prison or a mix of those. Even in a death penalty state in America, you don’t get the death penalty for carrying a knife. And you certainly don’t get the death penalty for having serious brain development problems. Your sentence would be lessened because of you not being able to be wholly accountable for your actions.

So yes. The police broke the law. They took matters into their own hands and basically executed a man. In the law, that’s not the punishment he should have gotten. So those people need to stop defending the police officers who did this.


Maybe they should also stop defending American law enforcement in general.

Also trying to say that we have the same issues here when we so clearly don’t is just dumb. Our police issues are very, very different, but people try and take the square shaped peg of police brutality and ram it into the circular hole of underfunded British police


Yeah very few people die from police brutality in the UK. And there isn’t one race disproportionately represented in police brutality statistics. In the US, the percentage of brutality victims who are black is much higher than the percentage of detainees who are black. Hmmm


It really makes you think.

We live in a society

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Jokes aside, yeah, our police problems a lot of the time come from them being a bit too comfortable? They don’t need to do much, apart from handle drunken disorderlies xD

Then when they do actually need to do something you have one brave soul with a stick and no-one else. They’re waaaay too underfunded


Let me try to put my 2 cents here…

We (as Americans, neither of you are not) live in a very divided country. (Thank you politics.) Everyone always wants to blame one side, when the problem lies in the U.S. itself. I mean, you have shows and movies about police officers, with police officers, made for police officers. There seems to be a glorification of law enforcement here, rather than white police officers deciding to shoot a black man for the hell of it. There is a real problem that needs to be fixed. The justice system disproportionately affects people of color, and that’s where it needs to start. Police officers are everywhere. Even in New York? Yes, everywhere. In my school, which is deemed “highly unsafe”, the police is there but they are useless, and when they are, they rough up the kids.



In my opinion, double standards are unfair. They’re ridiculous.

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Double standards are annoying - prime example is introverts v extroverts:

You should talk more - “Encourages quiet people to break out of their shell”

You should talk less - Rude


People are seriously ignorant about introverts. We are not all bad people and we’re not rude.
Introverts find it very hard to open up to people because we can easily understand what people’s motives are.


I don’t get why people make a huge deal if a woman smokes but don’t bat an eye when a guy smokes. Same with people who get offended over preferences like when a woman says she doesn’t like it when a guy smokes, no one cares but when a guy says that he doesn’t like a woman that smokes, he automatically gets labelled as a misogynist.


Because, in their eyes, men are suppose to be the tough and strong while women are suppose to be the soft and gentle ones.

Anyway, double standards are really not ok. Make things equal please!



What I find ridiculously stupid is that people claim to be egalitarian yet take one side. Meaning they shun women for their rights…you know, shun her for not wanting to get married & have kids, stay at home. We are all built differently.

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This is what happens when people are narrow-minded and got influenced by the people in the olden days.