(Note: i don’t know if it get merged because there is another disney thread but in the films section, but imma still do it)
Heyy so, i wanna talk about those disney princesses and how their fairytales end.
First of all, every princess starts with how their lives aren’t as good. Understandable, at least it’s not Mary-Sue thing, like they don’t have the perfect life. But why does their life get better because of a “prince” who saves them from their awful life? Why do they absolutely need a prince in their fairytales to save them instead of taking matters into their own hands? Like that shows that girls need their night in shining f-ing armor and them being damsels in distress, shoot 
Ok, sometimes we do need help, like we should accept it but not like this. The princesses should at least make their lives better by themselves, take matters into their own hands and try to get away from their bad lives and then meet “prince charming” as a bonus. Not prince do all the work and fix their lives for them. Though i don’t know about mulan or pochahontas but snowhite, rapunzel, sleeping beauty? C’mon that’s disgustang, disney did 'em dirty.
What do you guys think about this? Did disney do a good job about this?
This is just how I see it:
Yes I sometimes find it annoying how every single princess needs an man to save her. It’s very basic however I do see where they were coming from. For example. Snow white: this is a pretty old movie meaning that around the time this movie was published to the public people actually really liked movies with a prince charming. The same goes for sleeping beauty. They were ,in my country, published around 1950. Remember people from back in the days liked different stuff then people like right now and Disney just did what sold the best
As for Rapunzel I don’t agree with you saying that she really needed a prince charming. She needed someone who could guide her the way in a world where she has never been into. I find this pretty logical. just because he became her husband doesn’t mean that she needed him. She could also have had a woman guide her. Whoever it would be she just needed someone to help her in the big outside world that she was unknown to. If you watch the movie closely you can see that she really has no knowledge of the outside world at all.
I think the newer Disney movies really go away from the “prince charming” thing. And the old ones where just movies that people really liked at that time. Of course would Disney use the prince charming thing in their movies if they know that it sells well
Unless you’re talking about the movies then it won’t be merged since you’re talking about the stories and fairytales—not the movies.
I think. Correct me if I’m wrong, mods/leaders.
I’d recommend changing the title and removing Disney part if we are just talking fairy tales in general.
Yes. The Princesses are often damsels in Distress. And yes, those fairy tales idolise a particular type of man - who is super strong and Rich and a prince and whatnot.
But these fairy tales were written long ago - at a time when people weren’t so critical to what they read. Women and men were viewed in a different way and it’s through those fairy tales that you see how society perceived men and women.
Now, there are so many retellings - many authors have made the MCs strong and powerful in their retellings and we have access to both the kinds of tales.
Good point, it’s just from my perspective, the romance makes it seem the main thing in most fairytales (idk i could be wrong though), like i don’t completely disagree with it, but the romance could be a bonus like you mentioned in rapunzel and not neccesarily the main plot.
Romance is something that writers usually add to please most of the audience. For example I read a manga once that was never meant to be a romance story however the readers of the manga kept asking and asking if the MC’s would be together and eventually the writer gave in. What I’m trying to say here is that the romance part is something a lot of people seem to really enjoy. A better example: episode
They have a lot of romance stories or stories that have a lot of romance in it but aren’t in the romance section. This is just because people apperantly seem to love romance and (sadly) this does destroy some stories. But it does make sure that people read those stories more and this is what matters to the writers
I try to look for other messages in fairy tales and ignore the prince saving the day.
Besides the original fairy tales are far more disturbing
I don’t know about the others but the original version of Sleeping Beauty (or at least as original a version as I managed to find) was so disturbing, I didn’t dare read any other. 
There are some pretty creepy versions of snow white in particular, cinderella is practically a horror story 
Really? Oh my God… Thank God I didn’t read anything else. I love Cinderella and I won’t want anything to change my opinion on that.
Watch once upon a time… The women are the leaders in that show
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It’s for satisfaction. This allows children to be satisfied with the typical happliy ever after ending, and dream to find a charming prince once day. This is because Disney changed the story. Most original versions have a bitter ending.
For example, Pocahontas was a real person who got held hostage and died at the age of 21.
On the other hand, Ariel ended up suiciding.
So yeah, I sgree that women don’t need a man to make them happy, they can handle it by themselves.
I love variations of Snow White and the Evil Queen.
What do all of you think of Snow White and the seven dwarfs?
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Tbh most of me wishes that the concept of snow white being a vampire was true and she just kills the dwarfs 
Or if the Evil Queen wasn’t real and nor were the dwarves, Snow White was the Evil Queen and that whole story was just in her head and she’s crazy. So really the Snow White story is just one big psychological thriller.
Oh shit. I’m a genius
I might actually write this, this is awesome!
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I like retellings of fairytales. Do you?